Page 75 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Melena Post-laparoscopic Appendicectomy—One of a Kind
                                                               abdomen ruled out any active bleed in the abdomen or peritoneal
                                                               collection, which would have caused melena. As other causes
                                                               are ruled out, the probable cause of melena in our case would
                                                               be stump bleed where the patient was closely monitored, where
                                                               the symptoms resolved spontaneously after 5 days. Colonoscopy
                                                               can also be considered if the patient develops the complication
                                                               at a later stage.

                                                               In summary, we have presented a very unusual case of melena
                                                               post appendicectomy. Although this type of complication is rarest,
                                                               but if it is left unattended, the patient might end up with serious
                                                               complications, also, unnecessary intervention may result in serious
                                                               morbidity for the patient.

            Fig. 2: CECT abdomen was taken which showed postoperative   references
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            Only a handful number of cases have been reported about lower     3.  Vo N, Hall FM. Severe post appendectomy bleeding. Am Surg
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            al.,  but melena post appendicectomy had never been reported   from the invaginated appendiceal stump after appendectomy:
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                                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 3 (September–December 2022)  261
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