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Open Mesh Repair vs Laparoscopic Mesh Repair of Umbilical Hernia
            Table 13: Comparison of operating time between different studies  of dual composite laparoscopic mesh which costs more as
            Method of repair        Present study  Gonzalez et al.  compared to the open repair mesh, and other is the availability
            Laparoscopic mesh repair  50.38 ± 6.44 minutes  62 ± 9 minutes  of an experienced surgeon to perform the laparoscopic mesh
                                                               repair. If state is able to provide free dual layer mesh and train
            Open mesh repair    64.75 ± 10.49 minutes 82 ± 9 minutes
                                                               the surgeon in this field, then these limiting factors can be
            Table 14: Comparison of duration of hospital stay between different
            Method of repair      Present study  Gonzalez et al.  Manikanta KS
            Laparoscopic mesh repair  3.30 ± 0.464  1.12 ± 0.125
            Open mesh repair      8.0 ± 2.52     3.79 ± 2.2
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