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Open Mesh Repair vs Laparoscopic Mesh Repair of Umbilical Hernia
            Table 8: Distribution of the subjects based on post op complications
                                                         Lap        Open        Total     Chi-square value  p value
            Postoperative pain     N        Count         28         17          45           6.14        0.013 *
                                             %           70.0%      42.5%      56.3%
                                   Y        Count         12         23          35
                                             %           30.0%      57.5%      43.8%
            Seroma                 N        Count         40         26          66           16.97        0.00 *
                                             %          100.0%      65.0%      82.5%
                                   Y        Count         0          14          14
                                             %           0.0%       35.0%      17.5%
            Wound infection        N        Count         40         33          73           7.67        0.006 *
                                             %          100.0%      82.5%      91.3%
                                   Y        Count         0           7          7
                                             %           0.0%       17.5%       8.8%
            * Significant; Significance level, 0.05

            Table 9: Comparison of duration of hospital stay between the groups   of October 2011 showed that the mean age of presentation was
            using independent sample t-test                    48.6 years (24–78 years).  A study by Jackson et al. had 25% of
                   Min  Max   Mean   Std. deviation Mean diff p value  patients between the age-group of 41–50 years.  In the present
             Lap   3    4     3.30   0.464      −4.7   0.00 *  study, the mean age of presentation was 43.69 years and the
                                                               youngest patient was 25 years, while the oldest patient was
             Open  5    18    8.00   2.582                     68 years (Table 10).
            * Significant; Significance level, 0.05
            Table 10: Percentage-wise distribution of age-groups  The international literature shows a female to male ratio of 3:1 of
            Age               Total no. of cases  Percentage   umbilical hernia; this study showed 85% of females and 15% of
            25–35 years            14              26.2%       males that presented with umbilical hernia. Ellis et al. have shown
            36–45 years            33              38.8%       a 64.6% of female patients enrolled in the study.  Jackson et al.
            46–55 years            23              26.2%       have shown a 65% of female patients enrolled in the study, while
            Above 55 years         10              8.8%        35% were males (Table 11).
            Total                  80              100%        Presenting Complaints
                                                               In this study, 88.75% of patients presented with swelling over the
            Table 11: Genderwise comparison of different studies
                                                               umbilicus, while 11.25% of patients presented with swelling over
            Gender     Present study  Jackson et al.  Ellis et al.  the umbilicus associated with pain. A study conducted Jackson
            Male          15%            35%          35.4%    et al. showed that 11% of patients presented with swelling and pain,
            Female        85%            65%          64.6%    while 89% of patients presented with swelling similar to this study
            Total        100%           100%          100%     (Table 12). 12

            Table 12: Comparison of presenting complaints between different   Defect Size
            studies                                            The mean defect size in this study was 1.70 cm in the group of
            Presenting complaint   Present study  Jackson et al.  patients who underwent open mesh repair. The smallest defect
            Swelling                 88.75%          89%       size was 1.0 cm, and the largest defect size was 2.6 cm. The mean
            Pain                     11.25%          11%       defect size in this study for the laparoscopic mesh repair group was
            Total                    100%           100%       1.66. The smallest defect size was 0.9 cm, and the largest defect
                                                               size was 2.6 cm.
            to May 2020 were enrolled into the study. Forty patients were
            operated by open mesh repair method, and 40 patients were   Mean Duration of Surgery
            operated by laparoscopic mesh repair method, and the results   The mean operating time in this study was higher for open mesh
            were analyzed.                                     repair which was about 64.75 ± 10.497 minutes as compared to
                                                               the laparoscopic mesh repair which was 50.38 ± 6.44 minutes.
            Age                                                The p-value was <0.001 which is statistically significant. The study
            Of 80 patients of umbilical hernia, most of the patients were in   performed by Gonzalez et al. showed that the mean operating
            the age-group of 36–45 years (41.25%). A study conducted by   time was 82 ± 9 minutes for open mesh repair and 62 ± 9 minutes
            Kulacoglu et al. published online on umbilical hernia in the month   for laparoscopic mesh repair of umbilical hernia (Table 13). 14

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