Page 38 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Open Mesh Repair vs Laparoscopic Mesh Repair of Umbilical Hernia

            objectIves of the study                            results
            •  To study the clinical profile of patients opting for open mesh   Among the 40 (100%) subjects in LAP group, 18 (45%) were aged
              repair or laparoscopic mesh repair of umbilical hernia.  between 36 and 45 years, whereas in open group, 15 (37.5%)
            •  To study the outcomes of open mesh repair and laparoscopic   subjects were aged between 36 and 45 years. Chi-square test
              repair of umbilical hernia.                      was used to check the association and showed nonsignificant
                                                               association with respect to age (χ  = 1.349; p = 0.717) (Table 1).
            MAterIAls                                             Mean age was higher for open group (42.37 years) as compared
            Study was prospective interventional study, and study population   to LAP group (45.0 years). Independent sample t-test was used
            were all the patients admitted with umbilical hernia to the surgical   to compare the age between the two groups and showed
            wards of hospitals associated with Bangalore Medical College and   nonsignificant difference between the groups (p = 0.2309) with
            Research Institute. The study was conducted from November 2018   respect to age (Table 2).
            to May 2020. Institutional ethical committee approval was taken.   Females were higher in both the groups, 36 (90%) in LAP group
            Sample size selected was 80. Study sample was selected based on   and 32 (80%) in open group. Chi-square test was used to check the
            inclusion and exclusion criteria.                  association and showed nonsignificant association with respect to
                                                               gender (χ  = 1.56; p = 0.21) (Table 3).
            Inclusion Criteria                                    Out of 40 subjects in LAP group, majority 36 (90.0%) subjects
            •  Patients with age more than 18 years, admitted with umbilical   had only swelling, whereas in open group, 35 (87.5%) had only
              hernia without complications and willing for informed written   swelling. Remaining subjects had mild pain with swelling.
              consent.                                         Chi-square test was used to check the association and showed
                                                               nonsignificant association with respect to symptoms (χ  = 0.1252;
            Exclusion Criteria                                 p = 0.7234) (Table 4).
            •  All patients with defect size more than 3 cm.      Diabetes mellitus with hypertension was present in five (12.5%)
            •  Patients with obstructed/strangulated/complicated umbilical   subjects in LAP group, whereas in open group, there were seven
              hernia.                                          (17.5%) subjects who had diabetes mellitus with hypertension.
            •  Patients having abdominal malignancies.         Chi-square test was used to check the association and showed
            •  Patients having coagulopathy, severe cardiopulmonary disease,   nonsignificant association with respect to comorbidities (χ  = 1.041;
              ascites, and renal failure.                      p = 0.7913) (Table 5).
            •  Patients not fit for surgery.                      Mean defect size was higher for open group (1.70) as compared
                                                               to LAP group (1.66). Independent sample t-test was applied to
            Methods                                            compare the defect size between the two groups and showed
            Institutional ethical committee clearance and written informed   nonsignificant difference between the groups (p = 0.691) with
            consent were obtained, patients were then admitted in the surgical   respect to defect size (Table 6).
            wards with the diagnosis of umbilical hernia, and those coming   Table 1: Agewise distribution of the subjects
            under the inclusion criteria were enrolled into the study. A total
            number of patients with umbilical hernia enrolled into the study         Groups
            were 80, among them 40 patients were operated by open mesh          Lap         Open         Total
            repair technique and 40 patients were operated by laparoscopic   25–35 years
            mesh repair technique. Each patient was given a unique identity   Count  8       6           14
            number. Demographic data, medical history, and history of   Percent  20%        15.0%       17.50%
            concomitant medications were taken at the baseline visit. Physical   36–45 years
            examination, clinical examination, and other details according to   Count  18    15          33
            the proforma were recorded, and relevant investigations were   Percent  45.0%   37.5%       41.25%
            also done at the baseline visit. After relevant investigations and
            confirmation of diagnosis, preanesthetic evaluation is done and   46–55 years
            patients were randomly selected for open or LAP mesh repair.   Count  10         13          23
            Operated patients were divided into two groups.      Percent       25.0%        32.5%       28.75%
                                                                Above 55 years
            •  Group I (LAP) patients undergoing laparoscopic mesh repair.
            •  Group II (OPEN) patients undergoing open mesh repair.  Count      4           6           10
                                                                 Percent       10.0%        15.0%       12.50%
               Postoperative evaluation was done until the patient was   Total
            discharged and followed up at 2, 4, and 12 weeks. At the follow-up   Count  40   40          80
            visits, detailed physical and clinical examinations were conducted.
               Data were collected during preoperative and postoperative   Percent  100.0%  100.0%      100.0%
            evaluation. All the data were compiled and subjected to statistical   Chi-square value—1.349; p value—0.717
            analysis. Collected data were subjected to descriptive statistics   Table 2: Comparison of age between the groups using independent
            such as mean, median, standard deviation, interquartile range,   sample t-test
            percentages, tables, and graphs wherever necessary. Chi-square
            test and independent t-test were used for significant difference   Min  Max  Mean  Std. deviation  Mean diff p value
            between the two groups, and p <0.05 was considered statistically   Lap  25  60  42.37   9.220  −2.63  0.2309
            significant.                                        Open  25    68   45.00    10.201

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