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Stapler vs Open Hemorrhoidectomy
            associated gastrointestinal diseases, patients with gangrenous   The mean length of the hospital stay after stapler
            thrombosed piles, and patients with internal + external hemorrhoids   hemorrhoidectomy was 1.5 days, whereas it was 2.4 days in the
            were excluded.                                     open hemorrhoidectomy. Return to work by patients was an
               In our study, we used 33-mm-diameter two-row staple line   average of 3 days (range: 2–8 days) in the stapler hemorrhoidectomy
            stapler.                                           and 20.5 days (range: 6–46 days) in the open hemorrhoidectomy
                                                               (p = 0.001).
            result                                                Postoperative complications observed included bleeding in
            Nineteen patients of second-degree hemorrhoids and 21 of   one patient of stapler hemorrhoidectomy which was minor from
                                                               the stapler line while urinary retention in one patient in the open
            third-degree hemorrhoids were selected (according to the Milles   group (Table 2). Bleeding complications occurred intraoperatively
            classification).  Age, sex, and degree of hemorrhoid in all the   and managed by suturing with Vicryl (4’0) interrupted suture
            patients were comparable. The findings of the patients in each   technique. Retention in open hemorrhoidectomy required K-90
            groups are as follows (Table 1).                   catheterization.
               The mean operating time was 34 minutes with minimum of   Patients were followed up at 3 and 12 weeks, and impaired
            20 and maximum of 50 minutes in the stapler group and mean   wound healing was found in 3 of the 40 patients, all in the open
            of 40 minutes with minimum of 20 minutes and maximum of   group, while none were found in stapler hemorrhoidectomy group.
            60 minutes in the open group which was comparable to the Khalil   None of the patients had complaint of incontinence.
            study. 5                                              There were no recurrence, rectal stenosis, or perianal fistula in
               Mean pain scores were 2.4 by using the visual analog scale   1-year follow-up in any of the group.
            (Fig. 1) on the first postoperative day and 0.3 on the fourth
            postoperative day in the stapler hemorrhoidectomy, while in the
            open hemorrhoidectomy, the values were 5.9 and 2.6, respectively.   dIscussIon
            The average amount of pain in the stapler group was significantly   There are promising results of comparison of stapler
            lower than in the open group (p = 0.001). In Mehigan study,  mean   hemorrhoidectomy  with  open  hemorrhoidectomy.  Stapler
            pain scores were 2.7 and 0.5 on day 1 and day 4 in the stapler   hemorrhoidectomy group had significantly reduced postoperative
            group, while in the open group, the respective values were 6.3   pain compared to open hemorrhoidectomy group. In the stapler
            and 4.8 which is comparable to our study. More pain in the open   Group IV, patients had no pain on the first operative day. Results
            hemorrhoidectomy is due to formation of raw area as compared   of this study are similar with five randomized trials 4–8  on stapler
            to stapler hemorrhoidectomy which was performed without   versus open hemorrhoidectomy. In our open hemorrhoidectomy
            formation of raw area.                             group, after postoperative day 4, pain was less as compared to
                                                               above studies because we used to apply mixture of metronidazole
                                                               with povidone-iodine ointment and lignocaine jelly. More and
            Table 1: Comparison of study groups                longer duration of pain in open hemorrhoidectomy was because
            Characteristics     Stapler group    Open group    of larger raw area, and we have to operate in the sensitive part of
            Total no. of patients  20               20         anal canal (Fig. 2).
                                                                  Stapler hemorrhoidectomy had significantly less operative
            Degree of hemorrhoids:                             duration compared to open technique (mean 34 vs 40 minutes).
              Second-degree        10               9             Other than one intraoperative minor bleeding episode,
              Third-degree         10               11         no local or systemic complications were seen in the stapler
            Mean age (range)    48.4 (28–73)    45.8 (30–71)   Table 2: Postoperative complications
            Male/female ratio      16:4            15:5
                                                                Complications        Bleeding      Urinary retention
                                                                Stapler group           1               —
                                                                Open group             —                1

                                                               Figs 2A and B: Postoperative images of stapler (left) and open (right)
            Fig. 1: Postoperative pain evaluated by the visual analog scale  hemorrhoidectomy

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 1 (January–April 2022)  9
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