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            Comparative Study of Management of Hemorrhoids: Stapler

            vs Open Hemorrhoidectomy

            Keyur Surati , Jatin Modi , Sourabh Damani , Kushal Prajapati , Aneri Shah 5
             Aims and objective: To study postoperative pain, time taken for procedure, postoperative complications, return to normal activity, and recurrence
             between stapler and open hemorrhoidectomy.
             Materials and methods: For this study, 40 patients of second- and third-degree hemorrhoids were operated for stapler or open method of
             hemorrhoidectomy. Follow-up of all patients was taken at first week, third week, and 1 year postoperatively.
             Results: On the postoperative days one to four in stapler hemorrhoidectomy, there was decreased postoperative pain according to visual
             analog score, significantly reduced operating time and early gain of work (3 vs 20.5 days; p = 0.001). No difference in complications of both
             the method of surgeries was found. No recurrence was found in either of surgeries, while impaired wound healing was found more in open
             hemorrhoidectomy. After 1 year, there were no any complications such as recurrence, rectal stenosis, or perianal fistulas in stapler group.
             Conclusions: Stapler hemorrhoidectomy was found to have decreased postoperative pain, earlier return to work, earlier recovery time, and
             zero recurrence in comparison with the open technique up to 1 year.
             Clinical significance: Stapler hemorrhoidectomy can be a good option as compared to open hemorrhoidectomy in the form of less postoperative
             pain, hospital stay, and early return to work in second- and third-degree hemorrhoids without significant postoperative complications.
             Keywords: Open hemorrhoidectomy, Recurrence of hemorrhoids, Stapler hemorrhoidectomy.
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2022): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1492

            IntroductIon                                       1–5 Department of  General  Surgery,  AMCMET  Medical  College,
            Pathological changes in cushion of vascular tissue in the anus   Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
            leads to internal hemorrhoid development. Anal continence is   Corresponding Author: Kushal Prajapati, Department of General
            maintained by these cushions as they help internal sphincter in   Surgery, AMCMET Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, Phone:
            complete closure of the anal canal. Hemorrhoids are presented with   +91 9723183879, e-mail:
            bleeding, mucus discharge, itching, pain, and something coming   How  to  cite  this  article: Surati K, Modi J, Damani S,  et  al.
            out per rectum which might be symptomatic or asymptomatic.   Comparative Study of Management of Hemorrhoids: Stapler vs Open
            Hemorrhoid is present in 4–34% of population.      Hemorrhoidectomy. World J Lap Surg 2022;15(1):8–10.
               Theories behind the development of hemorrhoids are   Source of support: Nil
            rise  in  abdominal  pressure,  portal  hypertension,  straining
            during defecation, connective tissue abnormalities, and tissue   Conflict of interest: None
            metaplasia.  There is different grading of hemorrhoids according
            to their prolapse. First- and second-degree hemorrhoids are
            treated by band ligation and sclerotherapy or by conservative  MAterIAls And Methods
            method. Surgical intervention is required for the third- and fourth-  Patients for this clinical study were selected who have internal
            degree hemorrhoids. Anal mucosa is sensitive, so in the patient of   hemorrhoids with the following inclusion and exclusion criteria.
            open hemorrhoidectomy, removal of the hemorrhoid with anal   The study was comparing open hemorrhoidectomy and stapler
            mucosa and perianal skin causes pain. Also, patients have to get   hemorrhoidectomy for the management of grade-II bleeding
            done cleaning and dressing of the wound and have to take care of   hemorrhoids and grade-III hemorrhoids. Twenty cases of open
            hygiene especially from fecal contamination. Infection may occur   hemorrhoidectomy and 20 cases of stapler hemorrhoidectomy
            which can prolong wound healing. Stapler hemorrhoidectomy   were studied.
            also known as stapler rectal mucosectomy,  has emerged as a
            painless alternative. In this method, interruption of the blood  Inclusion Criteria
            supply of hemorrhoid reduces the size of the hemorrhoid and   Patients coming to tertiary care center with grade-II bleeding
            reduces the available rectal mucosa by which it decreases the   hemorrhoids and grade-III hemorrhoids, who were willing for
            rectal mucosal prolapse. 3                         surgical management in hospital, were included in the study.
               This study compares stapler and open hemorrhoidectomy
            in terms of postoperative pain, hospital stay, and early return to   Exclusion Criteria
            work with or without complications for second- and third-grade   Patients who were not fit for the surgery, patients not willing to
            hemorrhoids.                                       be a part of this study, patients having comorbid conditions and

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            org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
            the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
            Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
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