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Peroperative Scoring System for Difficult Lap Cholecystectomy
            difficult cholecystectomy is defined as a score ≥5 that is included   cholecystectomy. Various operative findings were scored from
            in our study. 11                                   5 to 10 as per the operative predictors for difficult laparoscopic
               Intraoperative findings were assessed on the basis of five key   cholecystectomy (Table 3).
            aspects which includes: 11
                                                               The Score of 5–7 (Severe Degree of Difficulty)
            •  Appearance of gallbladder and amount of adhesions;  Out of 50 patients, 16 patients (34%) with chronic calculous
            •  Distension/contraction of the gallbladder;      cholecystitis were considered in the study and a severe degree
            •  Access to the peritoneal cavity;                of difficulty was encountered with a mean score of 5 during
            •  Any local/septic complications;                 laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The duration of the surgery was
            •  Time taken to dissect the Calot’s triangle.
                                                               between 45 and 60 minutes.
               All the patients were accessed by the intraoperative scoring   Total 28 (56%) cases of acute calculus cholecystitis were
            system and evaluated for the amount of complexity and results   operated and a severe amount of complexity was faced with mean
            of the surgery were studied  by the  above scoring system     scoring of 6. About 60–70 minutes was the time taken to complete
            (Tables 1 and 2). 11                               all laparoscopic cholecystectomies in the above patients.
                                                                  In 3 (6%) cases of mucocele, the gallbladder was operated and a
            result                                             severe degree of difficulty was encountered with a mean score of 7
            This study was carried out on 50 cases of difficult laparoscopic   in these cases in performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. About
            cholecystectomy among them 45 patients were female (90%)   54–81 minutes was the time taken to complete all laparoscopic
            and males were 5 (10%). Most females were 22–55 years of age.   cholecystectomies in the above patients. In one case cystic duct
            Males were between 48 and 70 years. All of them are evaluated   stump was transfixed with vicryl (3’0) by laparoscopic intracorporeal
            according to scoring and categorized into difficult laparoscopic   suturing.

            Table 1: Scoring according to peroperative finding  The Score of 8–10 (Extreme Degree of Difficulty)
                                                               Two of the patients were found to havie empyema of the gall
            Cholecystitis scoring according to peroperative finding  Score  bladder and an extreme degree of difficulty was found in those
            Appearance                                         cases with a mean score of 8. These cases were converted to
              Adhesions <50% of GB                       1     open cholecystectomy. The inability to dissect Calot’s triangle
              Adhesions >50% but GB buried               2     with dense adhesion is the indication for conversion into open
              Completely buried GB                    3 (max)  surgery. To prevent damage to the bile duct in one case subtotal
            Distension/contraction                             cholecystectomy was done.
              Distended GB or contracted shrilled GB     1        In one more case of gangrenous gall bladder with irresectable
              Inability to grasp without decompression   1     Calot’s triangle and dense adhesions, we found an extreme
              Stone >1 cm impacted in Hartmann’s pouch   1     amount of complexity with a score of 8 and was converted
            Access                                             to open.
                                                                  These three cases of extreme difficulty were required to be
              BMI >30                                    1     converted into open surgeries even after the usage of advanced
              Adhesions from previous surgery limiting surgery  1  energy devices (ligasure scalpel) to prevent bile duct injury.
            Sepsis and complications                              Among all 50 cases, we have completed laparoscopic
              Free bile or pus outside the gallbladder   1     cholecystectomy successfully in 47 patients with a severe amount
              Fistula                                    1     of complexity. While three cases with an extreme amount of
              Total possible                            10     complexity were converted to open surgery.

              Table 2: Grading of difficulty                   Due to unpredictable intraoperative findings, laparoscopic
               Grading of degree of difficulty according to peroperative finding  cholecystectomy is one of the most surprising operations in general
               Mild                       <2                   surgery.  An unexpected amount of complexity of surgery was
               Moderate                   2–4                  found in some cases while in some cases it is very easy.  In about
               Severe                     5–7                  6–35% of cases, laparoscopy cholecystectomy is converted to
                                                               open.  In this study, 6% of patients were also converted to open.
               Extreme                   8–10
                                                               Inability to dissect the Calot’s triangle due to dense adhesions and
            Table 3: Overview of whole study
                                                                            Mean duration   Number of cases
            Degree of difficulty (according               Mean severity  Number   of surgery    converted into open  Peroperative
            to peroperative scoring system) Diagnosis        score   of cases  (in minutes)  cholecystectomy  complications
            Severe (score: 5–7)    Chronic calculous cholecystitis  5  16      45–60          0            0
                                   Acute calculous cholecystitis  6    28      55–70          0            0
                                   Mucocele of gall bladder   7        3       60–80          0            0
            Extreme (score: 8–10)  Empyema of gall bladder    8        2      100–120         2            0
                                   Gangrenous gall bladder    8        1        125           1            0

             12   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 1 (January–April 2022)
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