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Conversion of LC to Open Surgery
            Table 2: Clinical, laboratory, and imaging findings
                                                           CO            LC         Total cases    Chi-square
                                                         (n = 38)     (n = 272)     (N = 310)     value   p value
            Presenting symptoms
              RUQ pain                       Present    26 (16.8%)   143 (83.2%)    155 (100%)    5.878    0.015
                                             Absent     12 (7.7%)    143 (92.3%)    155 (100%)
              Radiation to back              Present     3 (8.1%)      34 (91.9%)     37 (100%)   0.673    0.412
                                             Absent     35 (12.8%)   238 (87.2%)    273 (100%)
              Fever                          Present      6 (27.3%)    16 (72.7%)     22 (100%)   4.964    0.026
                                             Absent     32 (11.1%)   256 (88.9%)    288 (100%)
              Vomiting                       Present    12 (19.7%)     49 (80.3%)     61 (100%)   3.881    0.046
                                             Absent     26 (10.4%)   223 (89.6%)    249 (100%)
              Jaundice                       Present      3 (23.1%)    10 (76.9%)     13 (100%)   1.447    0.224
                                             Absent     35 (11.8%)   262 (88.2%)    297 (100%)
              Interval cholecystectomy       Yes        35 (32.7%)     72 (67.3%)   107 (100%)   35.069   0.0001
                                             No         13 (6.4%)    190 (93.6%)    203 (100%)
            Past history
              Cardiovascular disease         Present    14 (17.5%)     66 (82.5%)     80 (100%)   2.755    0.097
                                             Absent     24 (10.4%)   206 (89.6%)    230 (100%)
              Diabetes                       Present    12 (16%)      63 (84%)        75 (100%)   1.288    0.256
                                             Absent     26 (11.1%)   209 (88.9%)    235 (100%)
              0.825 Respiratory disease      Present     1 (10%)        9 (90%)       10 (100%)   0.049    0.825
                                             Absent     37 (12.3%)   263 (87.7%)    300 (100%)
              Previous abdominal surgery     Present     2 (4.8%)      40 (95.2%)     42 (100%)   2.538    0.111
                                             Absent     36 (13.4%)   232 (86.6%)    268 (100%)
            Clinical findings
              Tachycardia                    Present      9 (34.6%)    17 (65.4%)     26 (100%)  13.189   <0.001
                                             Absent     29 (10.2%)   255 (89.8%)    284 (100%)
              Febrile                        Present      3 (42.9%)     4 (57.1%)      7 (100%)   6.235    0.013
                                             Absent     35 (11.6%)   268 (88.4%)    303 (100%)
              RUQ tenderness                 Present    22 (13.7%)   139 (86.3%)    161 (100%)    0.616    0.432
                                             Absent     16 (10.7%)   133 (89.3%)    149 (100%)
              Murphy’s sign                  Present     6 (40%)        9 (60%)       15 (100%)  11.279    0.001
                                             Absent     32 (10.8%)   263 (89.2%)    295 (100%)
              Icterus                        Present      3 (33.3%)     6 (66.7%)      9 (100%)   3.828    0.043
                                             Absent     35 (11.6%)   266 (88.4%)    301 (100%)
            Laboratory investigations
              Leukocytosis                   Present    10 (25.6%)     29 (74.4%)     39 (100%)   7.429    0.006
                                             Absent     28 (10.3%)   243 (89.7%)    271 (100%)
              Obstructive jaundice           Present      9 (33.3%)    18 (66.7%)     27 (100%)  12.214   <0.001
                                             Absent     29 (10.2%)   254 (89.8%)    283 (100%)
              Pancreatitis                   Present      4 (57.1%)     3 (42.8%)      7 (100%)  13.415   <0.001
                                             Absent     34 (11.2%)   269 (88.8%)    303 (100%)
              Low serum albumin              Present      7 (43.8%)     9 (56.3%)     16 (100%)  15.556   <0.001
                                             Absent     31 (10.5%)   263 (89.5%)    294 (100%)
              Presence of calculi            Present    36 (12.2%)   258 (87.8%)    294 (100%)    0.001    0.976
                                             Absent       2 (12.5%)    14 (87.5%)     16 (100%)
              Pericholecystic fluid/fat stranding  Present  11 (25.6%)    32 (74.4%)    43 (100%)  8.240   0.004
                                             Absent     27 (10.1%)   240 (89.9%)    267 (100%)
              Distended GB                   Present    23 (15.9%)   122 (84.1%)    145 (100%)    3.290    0.071
                                             Absent     15 (9.1%)    150 (90.9%)    165 (100%)

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 1 (January–April 2022)  3
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