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Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling, Clomiphene-resistant PCOS, Treatment Outcome
               We used a monopolar diathermy needle (Tritome) in this study   BMI and BMI of <30 kg/m  than those with a BMI of >30 kg/m .
            for LOD. Researchers proposed different modifications of the classic   This finding is similar to that observed in a cross-sectional done
            needle electrode techniques. These modifications include using the   by Omokanye et al.;  hence, alternative treatment methods may
            bipolar needle, laparoscopic ovarian multi-needle intervention, LOD   need to be used for this group of patients, such as weight reduction,
            using a monopolar hook electrode, LOD using the harmonic scalpel,   metformin treatment, gonadotropin therapy, or IVF to achieve
            and office micro laparoscopic ovarian drilling. 29–32  Researchers   conception.
            also developed various transvaginal methods such as transvaginal   The infertility duration of 5 years and below had the most
            hydrolaparoscopy (fertiloscopy) and transvaginal sonography–  substantial impact as a predictor of success. This result is in
            guided ovarian interstitial laser treatment. 33–35  However, more   agreement with the previous study.  A possible explanation for
            extensive prospective studies are needed to validate use, safety,   the role of infertility duration may be the emergence of other
            efficacy, and long-term effects of alternate techniques.  subfertility factors as the duration of infertility increases. 26
               The exact mechanism of LOD is unknown. The destruction of   One of LOD’s main shortcomings is iatrogenic adhesions due to
            androgen-producing stroma was the proposed beneficial effect.   bleeding from the ovarian surface or premature contact between
            There is a reduction in the circulating and intra-ovarian levels.   the ovary and the bowel after cauterization. Adhesion rates ranged
            Previous data showed that LOD also has a modulating effect on   from 0 to 100%, 12,33,34,36,37  involving higher risks with laser. 36,37  This
            the pituitary–ovarian axis.  The resumption of regular cycles and   higher figure is probably due to less thermal penetration (2–4 mm)
            ovulation is due to the rapid endocrine changes that may last for   by the cone-shaped laser drilling lesions compared to cylinder-
            months to years.  The assessment of tubal patency and diagnosis   shaped lesions (8 mm) of monopolar electrocoagulation. Most
            of other pelvic pathologies, done simultaneously, is an additional   studies reported mild-to-moderate adhesions, which do not seem
            advantage of LOD. Previous evidence showed that the sensitivity   to affect pregnancy rates after LOD. Adhesion prevention strategies
            of the ovaries to ovulation induction agents increases after the   such as liberal peritoneal lavage, adhesion barriers like intercede,
            procedure. Other benefits of LOD include more orderly growth   and adhesiolysis performance at early second-look laparoscopy
            of follicles, reduced chances in cycle cancellation, and decreased   are not effective in preventing de novo adhesions or in improving
            risk of OHSS.                                      pregnancy rates.  We raised the ovaries before applying energy in
               An environment with low androgen, AMH, LH levels, and   this study and saline washed after the procedure to decrease the
            relatively fewer follicles are more favorable for proper follicular   temperature, reducing the risk of injury.
            growth.                                               Another potential risk is premature ovarian failure, significantly
               The majority (76.9%) of the patients resumed menses with   if the ovarian blood supply is damaged inadvertently or if the
            spontaneous ovulation. This finding is similar to 84.2% and 77.7%   surgeon makes a large number of punctures, leading to excessive
            reported in Japan  and Poland,  respectively, but lower than   destruction of ovarian follicular pool or production of anti-ovarian
            finding from Ilorin  South-Western Nigeria. The higher ovulation   antibodies.  When applied correctly, as done in this study, the
            rate in the study done in Ilorin may be because the patients were   coagulation puncture does not appear to compromise the ovarian
            started on clomiphene citrate on the resumption of menses   reserve. A prospective comparative study found that the extent
            following LOD.                                     of ovarian tissue damage was limited, ranging from 0.4% after
               The clinical pregnancy rate of 59% falls within the range of   four to 1% after eight coagulation punctures, each of 40 W for 5
            43–84% reported by some studies 14,15,24,25  although slightly higher   seconds.  We can interpret changes in ovarian reserve markers
            than Ilorin’s rate. The difference may be due to the effects of other   as normalization of ovarian function rather than reducing ovarian
            infertility factors not excluded in the Ilorin study.  reserve. Surgeons should not do coagulation within 8–10 mm of
               Previous reports have shown that PCOS patients have higher   the ovarian hilum.  The use of unilateral drilling, 28,41  use of the
            miscarriage rates as compared to the general population. Elevated   harmonic scalpel, 32,42  and use of bipolar energy 15,43  are associated
            LH is the main culprit. Other significant contributors to the increased   with a less risk of adhesions and Decreased Ovarian Reserve (DOR)
            miscarriage rates in PCOS patients include hyperinsulinemia and   but with equivalent reproductive outcomes with bilateral drilling
            obesity.  LOD reduces LH levels as well as the risk of miscarriage.   using monopolar diathermy.
            Previous data reported a miscarriage rate of 14% after LOD than the   Readers should interpret the findings from this study in light of
            30 to 40% expected rate in PCOS patients.  The miscarriage rate in   some limitations. First, the small sample size makes it difficult for
            this study was 10.3%. This result is comparable to 14% reported by   the results to be generalized. Also, the limited laboratory resources
            Ikechebelu et al.  The live birth rate in this study was 48.7%. This   at the study center made it difficult to assay some hormones that
            discovery is similar to the finding of Mandeep et al.  could have added to this study’s quality.
               There was no record of multiple pregnancies or OHSS in the   Nevertheless, our findings have significant implications for
            study participants, which further established the safety of LOD   Nigeria’s reproductive interventions since anovulatory infertility is
            over gonadotropins.                                a significant public health issue in our area and globally.
               Predictors of failed LOD in this study were aged above 35
            years, duration of infertility above 5 years, and moderate to morbid
            obesity. These are similar to the findings of other studies. 13,14  conclusIon
               To our knowledge, this study is one of the very few studies   Laparoscopic ovarian drilling is a feasible, safe, and effective
            that assessed prognostic factors for an ovarian response following   first-line treatment option in patients with clomiphene-resistant
            laparoscopic electrocautery using a logistic regression model with   PCOS in sub-Saharan Africa. Emphasis should be on weight
            prospective data collection in West Africa. Other studies done   reduction with early recourse to LOD in managing patients with
            so far are either cross-sectional or retrospective, while few other   clomiphene-resistant PCOS. Early recourse will reduce the time
            prospective studies did not look out for failed LOD predictors. LOD   to achieve pregnancy and the need for ovulation induction using
            had a higher successful pregnancy outcome in patients with normal   gonadotropins.

                                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 3 (September–December 2020)  105
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