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Barbed vs Polyglactin 910: A Comparative Study of the Efficacy in Laparoscopic Vaginal Cuff Closure
            potential to become an asset in gynecological surgery. The purpose   Most common medical comorbidity noted among the patients
            of this study is to compare the efficacy of barbed suture with that   was diabetes mellitus (n = 4) followed by hypertension (n = 3).
            of Polyglactin 910 for vaginal cuff closure in patients undergoing   Among 27 patients with a history of previous abdominal surgery,
            total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) at our hospital.  19 (70%) patients had undergone LSCS and 5 patients had a history
                                                               of appendicectomy. No statistical significance was noted between
            MAterIAls And Methods                              the two groups in terms of medical comorbidity and previous
            This comparative study includes 100 patients who underwent   abdominal surgery.
                                                                  Table 2 depicts the indication of surgery in both groups. Uterine
            total laparoscopic hysterectomy during a period of 12 months.   fibroid was the most common indication for surgery in both the
            Considering 1-year statistics at our hospital for laparoscopic   groups followed by endometrial hyperplasia.
            hysterectomies, i.e., 147 and compensating dropouts, 100 was taken   The average time taken for suturing vaginal vault was 6.9
            as the sample size, with 50 in each group.
                                                               minutes (SD = 1.27 minutes) while using polyglactin 910 suture,
                     S   Z pq /  d 2                           whereas in group II where barbed suture was used, the suturing
                                                               time was 5.39 minutes (SD = 0.76 minutes) with a significant p value

                       1.96   1.96 0.08 0.92 0.05 0.05         of <0.0001. Significant reduction in the difficulty of operation was

                       113                                     noted while using barbed sutures for vault closure. The degree of
                                                               surgical difficulty was lower in the group using barbed sutures (VAS
               Following approval by the institutional ethics committee,   of 3.5 vs 8; p value < 0.001) (Table 3).
            patients diagnosed with benign gynecological conditions were   There were three intraoperative complications reported of
            included and those excluded were malignancies, infected masses,   which two cases had bladder injury due to previous LSCS and
            and immunocompromised status. The patients were selected by   one case had a rectal serosal injury due to dense endometriotic
            simple random sampling to avoid bias and were divided into two   adhesions. These were not related to the suturing technique but
            groups (50 each).                                  were related to the surgical difficulty due to adhesions. All patients
               All patients were admitted 4 to 6 hours before surgery after   were discharged on the second postoperative day other than the
            detailed preoperative workup. TLH in both groups were performed   patients with intraoperative complications who stayed longer for
            by the same surgeon following standard surgical technique. After   further management.
            removal of the uterus, needles were introduced and the vaginal
            vault closed with continuous intracorporeal sutures using Barbed  dIscussIon
            suture No.1/Polyglactin 910 No.1, where suture was taken starting   Hysterectomies have been performed vaginally, abdominally, or
            from the right side through vaginal angle incorporating the   with laparoscopic or robotic assistance. Laparoscopic hysterectomy
            right uterosacral, anteriorly through vaginal mucosa followed by   has many proven benefits over the other traditional methods,
            posterior vaginal mucosa up till the left uterosacral and left vaginal   such as shorter hospital stays, faster resumption of routine
            angle. Then, the needles were removed through the peripheral   activities, lower intraoperative blood loss, and fewer wound
            trocars.                                           infections.  However, longer operative duration and higher rates
               Intraoperatively, mean suturing time, defined as the time taken   of complications, such as secondary hemorrhage, lower urinary
            from beginning of the first stitch and cutting of the last stitch, was   tract injuries, and vaginal cuff dehiscence, have been reported
            noted and compared between the two groups. The amount of   more in laparoscopic than abdominal hysterectomy probably
            blood loss was recorded intraoperatively. The difficulty perceived
            by the surgeon in operating was graded using a visual analog scale   Table 1: Demographic and clinical details of 100 patients
            (VAS) ranging from 1 (low difficulty) to 10 (high difficulty). Incidence
            of intraoperative complications were noted. Postoperatively, the      Polyglactin 910   Barbed group
            duration of hospital stay was noted. All patients were advised        group (n = 50)  (n = 50)  p value
            sexual abstinence and avoid heavy lifting of weights for 6 weeks   Age (years), mean (SD)  45.74 (4.96)  44 (6.29)  0.12
            after surgery.                                      BMI (kg/m ), mean (SD)  26.77 (2.20)  26.45 (2.02)  0.44
               Statistical analysis was carried out using Student t test for   Medical comorbidity   5 (10%)  7 (14%)  0.5
            continuous variables and Fischer exact test for categorical variables.   Previous abdominal   17 (34%)  10 (20%)  0.1
            p values ≤ 0.05 were considered significant.        surgery n (%)

            results                                            Table 2: Indications for hysterectomy
            A total of 100 women undergoing total laparoscopic hysterectomy           Polyglactin 910     Barbed group
            were studied, among which 50 intracorporeal vaginal cuff closures         group (n = 50)  (n = 50)
            were performed using polyglactin 910 sutures (group I), while   Fibroid uterus   26 (52%)  20 (40%)
            another 50 women (group II) were sutured with barbed sutures.   Endometrial hyperplasia  10 (20%)    6 (12%)
            Comparison between demographic characteristics is listed in   Adenomyosis    7 (14%)       6 (12%)
            Table 1.                                            Endometrial polyp       2 (4%)       12 (24%)
               Mean age of women in group I was 45.74 years (SD = 4.96   Endometriosis    3 (6%)       4 (8%)
            years) and that in group II was 44 years (SD = 6.29 years) without
            significant differences in age. There was no significant difference   PID    0 (0%)        2 (4%)
            in BMI between the two groups, although 6 patients belonged   Fibroid with endometriosis    1 (2%)    0 (0%)
            to the obese category with BMI in the range of 30 to 34.9kg/m .   Chronic cervicitis     1 (2%)    0 (0%)

            114   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 3 (September–December 2020)
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