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Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling, Clomiphene-resistant PCOS, Treatment Outcome
            Table 3: Association between baseline characteristics of the patient and failed LOD
                                             Failed LOD
            Variable             Yes, n (%)      No, n (%)        Total            X 2              p value
            Age (years)
              ≤35               3 (10.3)         26 (89.7)        29 (100)         10.063           p = 0.004*
              >35               6 (60)           4 (40)           10 (100)
            Types of infertility
              Primary           6 (22.2)         21 (77.8)        27 (100)         0.035            p = 0.576*
              Secondary         3 (25)           9 (75)           12 (100)
            Duration of infertility
              ≤5 years          2 (9.5)          19 (90.5)        21 (100)         4.587            p = 0.036*
              >5 years          7 (38.9)         11 (61.1)        18 (100)
            Altered LH/FSH ratio (≥2.0)
              Yes               3 (11.5)         23 (88.5)        26 (100)         5.700            p = 0.024*
              No                6 (46.2)         7 (53.8)         13 (100)
            BMI (Kg/M )
              <30               1 (5.3)          18 (94.7)        19 (100)         6.453            p = 0.012*
              ≥30               8 (40)           12 (60)          20 (100)
            *p values are Fisher's exact test

            Table 4: logistic Regression showing predictors of failed LOD among   30 years  although slightly higher than the mean age of 27 years
            the patients                                       recorded in Nnewi, Nigeria.  However, this is not surprising as the
                                          Failed LOD           PCOS is a complex endocrine disorder affecting women in their
                                           N = 9 (%)           reproductive years.
                                                                  A common feature of PCOS is menstrual cycle disturbance.
            Variables           OR      95% CI      p          A previous study reported that about 87% of participants in an
            Age (years)                                        earlier study had oligomenorrhea. Approximately 26% of those
              (Ref = ≤35)                                      with secondary amenorrhea who presented in a gynecological
              >35               2       1.5–4.5     0.003      clinic in that study have polycystic ovaries on ultrasound.  In our
            Duration of infertility                            study, we recorded irregular cycles in 93% of the patients. Elevated
              (Ref = ≤5 years)                                 serum LH concentrations, seen in 40–60% of the PCOS patients
              >5 years          3       2.2–6.7     0.005      led to a reduced chance of conception and increased miscarriage
                                                               risk.  Lean patients with PCOS have elevated LH levels. While a high
            Type of infertility                                LH–FSH ratio is pathognomonic of the disease, it is not required
              (Ref = primary)                                  to diagnose PCOS. Reports have also suggested that PCO patients
              Secondary         2       0.5–3.5     0.35       may secrete LH isoforms with high biological activity. Research has
            Altered LH/FSH (>2.0)                              observed that patients with high baseline LH levels have a better
              (Ref = yes)                                      prognosis.  Our study shows an increase in the LH–FSH ratio in
              No                0.5     0.1–0.8     0.004      65.2% of patients with an average LH–FSH ratio of 2.1 (±1.8). This
            BMI (kg/M )                                        finding compares favorably to the discovery of Mandeep et al.,
              (Ref = <30)                                      where 62% of the respondents had LH–FSH ratio >2.
                                                                  For this study, we chose the number of punctures empirically
              ≥30               4       2–6         0.002
                                                               based on the size of the ovary. Between 4 and 10 diathermy
                                                               punctures (each 3 mm in diameter, 2–4 mm depth) per ovary was
            dIscussIon                                         applied using a power setting of 40 W for 4 seconds delivering
            In this study, the prevalence rate of PCOS was 18.6%. This finding   between 640 J and 960 J of energy per ovary. “About 640 J
            is similar to the prevalence rate of 18.1% reported in Enugu   is the lowest effective dose recommended”.  However, the
            by Ugwu et al.  but lower than the 32% and 31% reported by Pembe   clinical response depends on the dose with higher ovulation and
            et al. in Tanzania in 2009  and Omokanye et al.  in Ilorin, North-  pregnancy rates observed by increasing thermal energy quantities
            Central Nigeria respectively. A lower prevalence rate of 12.2% was   up to 600 J/ovary, irrespective of ovarian volume.  Conversely,
            reported by Ogueh et al.,  respectively. The variation in prevalence   adjusting thermal dose based on ovarian volume (60 J/cm ) has
            rates may be due to differences in the prevalence rates of PCOS’s   better reproductive outcomes with similar postoperative adhesion
            genetic and environmental determinants in the various populations   rates than a fixed dose of 600 J/ovary. 25
            or discrepancies in the study populations.            We performed bilateral ovarian drilling for the patients in
               The majority of the women in this study were within the   this study. Despite lack of convincing evidence and a significant
            age-group 21–35 years, with a mean age of 29.5 years. This result   reduction in operative time, most gynecologists still perform
            is similar to the findings in Enugu, Nigeria, with a mean age of   bilateral rather than unilateral drilling. 26–28
            104   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 3 (September–December 2020)
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