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Barbed vs Polyglactin 910: A Comparative Study of the Efficacy in Laparoscopic Vaginal Cuff Closure
            Table 3: Mean suturing time                           In the present study, we observed a significant decrease in
                               Polyglactin 910  Barbed suture   time required for vaginal vault closure with the use of barbed
                               group (n = 50)  group (n =50)  p value  suture compared to polyglactin 910 suture. Kim et al.  compared
            Suturing time (minute),  6.91 (1.27)  5.39 (0.76)  <0.0001  V-Loc (n = 64) and Vicryl sutures (n = 106) for laparoscopic vaginal
            mean (SD)                                          cuff closure and they reported a significant reduction in vaginal
            Degree of surgical   8.16 (0.77)  3.18 (0.85)  <0.0001  cuff closure time (7.2 minutes, SD: 1.2 minutes for V-Loc and 12.2
            difficulty (VAS)                                   minutes, SD: 3.3 minutes for Vicryl; p < 0.0001) which is consistent
            Intraoperative     1 (2%)      2 (4%)     0.6      with the finding of this study.
                                                                  Similar results were observed in a single-port total laparoscopic
            complications                                      hysterectomy done by Song and Lee, where laparoscopic suturing
            Duration of hospital   2 (96%)  2 (98%)   NA       was adopted for cuff closure in both the groups with experimental
            stay (days)                                        group using V-Loc suture (43 cases) and control group applying
            SD = Standard deviation
                                                               conventional laparoscopic vaginal cuff suture (59 cases). The
                                                               V-Loc suture group not only dramatically decreased vaginal stump
            due to increased use of thermal energy by electrocoagulation. 8–11    suturing time (11.4 vs 22.5 minutes; p value < 0.001) and total
            These limitations are mostly due to longer learning curve required   operation time (92 minutes vs 105.2 minutes; p value = 0.002) but
            for laparoscopic procedures as well as for laparoscopic closure of   also reported reduced difficulty in suture procedure. 17
            vaginal vault. 9                                      Furthermore, a randomized trial by Alessandri et al. comparing
               In laparoscopic surgeries, the surgeon enters the body cavity   unidirectional barbed suture with the traditional continuous suture
            through a small incision and operates with a limited range of   for laparoscopic myomectomy found that the time required to
            motion. The endpoints of the instruments move in the opposite   suture the uterine wall defect and intraoperative blood loss was
            direction to the movement of the surgeon’s hands making the   much less while using barbed sutures.  Barbed sutures have
            procedure laborious and difficult to learn. In addition to this, the   significantly reduced the time required for suturing and the degree
            proximity to vital anatomical structures and the limitation in gaining   of surgical difficulty in a randomized clinical study by Ardovino et
            direct access to it in case of an emergent situation adds on to the   al.  comparing the feasibility and safety of barbed bidirectional
            complexity of laparoscopic procedures.  A recent survey done by   sutures vs standard sutures for vaginal cuff closure following total
            Weizman et al.  suggested that the key factor limiting laparoscopic   laparoscopic hysterectomy and lymph node dissection for early
            surgery includes laparoscopic suturing along with other technical   endometrial cancer.
            and practical limitations. Laparoscopic intracorporeal suturing   Generally, for gynecologists, transvaginal suturing is widely
            remains one of the most challenging and time-consuming tasks   preferred, as it is technically easier and has shorter learning curve.
            for surgeons, with the primary reason for this being the need to tie   However, statistical analysis suggests that in TLH procedure, barbed
            the knots in a confined space with limited visibility.  sutures used in vaginal cuff closure reduced the suturing duration
               Suturing during vaginal cuff closure is considered a challenging   as well as technical difficulty experienced by the surgeon, which is
            step in laparoscopic hysterectomy, and the surgical difficulties can   in accordance with the above-mentioned literature reports.
            result in vault complications such as vaginal cuff dehiscence. Uccella   With the introduction of a new technology, complications will
            et al. reported a higher incidence of vaginal cuff dehiscence (0.64%)   invariably arise. One of the rare yet potentially serious complication
            for laparoscopic when compared to open transvaginal cuff closure   from the use of barbed suture is bowel obstruction. If the cut end
            (0.18%). Probable reason for this is that the magnified view during   of the barbed suture is left long, it may become attached to the
            laparoscopic procedure causes the surgeon to involve less tissue   overlying bowel or mesentery producing kinking and acting as a
            and tension in closure. 14                         transition point of obstruction. Rombaut et al. reported a case of
               Although widely used, conventional sutures carry the   bowel obstruction due to bidirectional suture causing terminal ileal
            drawbacks of requirement for tying knots for anchorage, need to   strangulation following laparoscopic myomectomy.  In another
            maintain constant tension on the suture which requires traction   case report by Thubert et al., the patient was diagnosed 1 month
            by the operating surgeon or an assistant, leading to prolongation   after undergoing laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy with peritoneal
            of suturing. Thus, it becomes essential to simplify intracorporeal   closure using a barbed suture, with small bowel volvulus and
            laparoscopic suture, knotting skills and reduce the relative technical   mesenteric rupture.  However, there were bowel complications
            requirements. Numerous strategies were undertaken, one such has   among patients in both groups in the present study.
            been the introduction of barbed sutures.
               Barbed sutures are absorbable sutures with a surgical needle
            at one end and an annular coil component at the other end. This  conclusIon
            suture self-anchors at approximately every 1 mm of tissue, resulting   In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the use of barbed
            in an evenly distributed tensile strength along the total length of   sutures for laparoscopic vaginal vault closure reduces the suturing
            the wound without the need for tying knots. The presence of tiny   time as well the operative difficulty. Based on the results and
            barbs spaced evenly in a helical array require less technical skill   literature, the use of barbed sutures is an efficient alternative to
            for performing swift suturing and less time than conventional   conventional sutures for laparoscopic vaginal vault closure.
            suturing. 15
               The first use of barbed sutures in gynecologic surgery was
            reported in 2008 by Greenberg and Einarsson.  Since then it has  references
            been used in procedures such as laparoscopic myomectomy,     1.  Begum M, Zulfiqar N, Yasmin F. Total laparoscopic hysterectomy: a
            hysterectomy as well as re-anastomosis of fallopian tubes and   two-year experience in Apollo hospitals Dhaka. Pulse 2016;8(1):21–29.
            sacro-colpopexies.                                      DOI: 10.3329/pulse.v8i1.28097.

                                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 3 (September–December 2020)  115
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