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Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling, Clomiphene-resistant PCOS, Treatment Outcome
            2/3 FSH and LH, and Day 21 serum progesterone assay were done   Table 1: Baseline characteristics of patients
            in patients with spontaneous menses post-LOD to assess for   Variables  Frequency (n = 43)  Percentage
            ovulation. Subsequent ovulation monitoring was done by either   Age (years)
            follicular tracking with TVS or the use of ovulation prediction kits
            from day 10 to 16 of the cycle. Patients who resumed spontaneous     21–25  18            41.9
            ovulation were observed for 6 months for conception to occur while     26–30  8           18.6
            on ovulation monitoring and timed intercourse (TI). After that,     31–35  6              14.0
            we subjected to either superovulation induction (SI) with timed     >35  11               25.5
            intercourse (TI) or intrauterine insemination (IUI) on case-to-case     Range 21–43  Mean = 29.5 ± 4.8
            basis. We offered patients who failed to conceive by these methods   Type of infertility
            IVF. Patients who failed to ovulate following LOD will use other forms     Primary  30    69.8
            of second-line management of PCOS.                    Secondary        13                 30.2

            Ethical Consideration                               Infertility duration (years)
            We obtained ethical clearance for this study from the Bowen     1–5    22                 51.2
            University Teaching Hospital’s ethical review board, Ogbomoso.     6–10  14               32.6
            During data collection, we informed the individual patient about     >10  7               16.2
            the purpose of the study, confidentiality, and the right not to     Range 1–18  Mean = 6.0 ± 3.7
            participate or withdraw at any time without affecting their health   Social class
            or other services. We obtained written consent from each of the     Upper  7              16.2
            participants before the commencement of the study.
                                                                  Middle            8                 18.6
                                                                  Low              28                 65.2
            results                                             Irregular cycles
            We analyzed the patients’ characteristics, hormonal profile, and     Yes  40              93
            the outcome of 43 eligible patients. Of the 430 patients who had
            infertility consultation at our facility, we diagnosed 80 (18.6%) as a     No  3          7
            PCOS case. Forty-three (53.8%) patients with clomiphene citrate-  Altered LH/FSH ratio (≥2.0)
            resistant PCOS underwent LOD. We followed the patients up for an     Yes  28              65.2
            average duration of 11.2 ± 6.3 months (range 9–36 months), during     No   15             34.8
            which we lost four (9.3%) patients to follow-up. The patients aged     Mean = 3.9 (±1.8)
            21–43 years with a mean age of 29.5 ± 4.8 years. Thirty (69.8%)   BMI (kg/M )
            had primary infertility, 39 (90.7%) were nulligravida, while 28 (65%)     <25  2          4.7
            belonged to low social class. The duration of infertility ranged from     25–29  18       41.9
            1 to 18 years (6.5 ± 3.7). We recorded irregular cycles in 40 (93%)
            patients, while 28 (65.1%) had altered LH–FSH ratio (>2.0). The Body     ≥30  23          53.4
            Mass Index (BMI) ranged from 24.3 to 39.7 kg/m  (26.3 ± 8.5). The     Range 24.3–39  Mean = 30.3 (3 ± 6.5)
            number of drills per ovary ranged from 4 to 10 (6.5 ± 2.7).
               Thirty (76.9%) of the remaining 39 patients with irregular cycles
            resumed regular menses with spontaneous ovulation with a mean   Table 2: Outcome variables studied in the patients
            duration of 5.2 ± 2.6 days and 3.4 ± 2.3 weeks, respectively. Most
            of those who resumed regular menses (66.7%) did so within 4 to   Outcome variables  Frequency  Percentage
            6 days post-LOD. Twenty-three (59%) patients had spontaneous   Resumption of spontaneous regular menses/ovulation
            conception (mean time of conception post drilling was 4.8 ± 1.6     Yes  30           76.9
            months). Four patients (10.3%) of 39 had an early first-trimester     No  9           23.1
            miscarriage and 19 (48.7%) successful delivery. There was no record     Total  39    100.0
            of complication of laparoscopy, multiple pregnancies, or ovarian   Clinical pregnancy
            hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).                     Yes           23                59.0
               There was a significant association between failed LOD and
            maternal age above 35years (χ  = 10.063, p value = 0.004), ≥5 years     No  16        41.0
            of infertility (χ  = 4.587, p value = 0.036), and moderate to morbid     Total  39   100.0
            obesity(χ  = 6.453, p value = 0.012).               Conception after drilling (in months) n = 23
               According to the logistic regression, women who were aged     1–3  4               10.3
            35 years and above were twice more likely to have failed LOD than     4–6  12         52.2
            their younger age-group (OR = 2, CI = 1.5–45, p value = 0.003).     ≥7  7             37.5
            Women with altered LH/FSH (i.e., ratio > 2.0) were twice less likely   Mean time of conception post-drilling 4.8 ± 1.6 months
            to have failed LOD compared to those without altered LH/FSH   Pregnancy outcome
            (OR = 0.5, CI = 0.1–0.8, p value = 0.004). Other predictors of failed
            LOD were infertility duration of 5 years and above (OR = 3, CI =     Miscarriage  4   10.3
            2.2–6.7, p value = 0.005), obesity (OR = 4, CI = 2–6, p value = 0.002)     Live birth  19  48.7
            (Tables 1 to 4).                                      Total         23                59.0

                                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 3 (September–December 2020)  103
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