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Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling, Clomiphene-resistant PCOS, Treatment Outcome
            morphology of polycystic ovaries as an ovary with 12 or more follicles   index (BMI), and the number of perforations per ovary during the
            measuring 2–9 mm in diameter and increased ovarian volume (>10   procedure, were recorded in a proforma. Patients were followed
            cm ) on transvaginal ultrasound (TVS)”. 12         up on a clinic basis and on the phone to get information on the
               The goals of the “symptom-oriented” PCOS management are   resumption of menses, ovulation, and pregnancy. We confirmed
            to restore normal menstruation, ovulatory cycles, and fertility   ovulation with the ovulation test kit (Predict ®), day 12 to 14 follicular
            and prevent endometrial hyperplasia/cancer. It also involves the   TVS study, and pregnancy after the procedure. We carried out data
            treatment of acne and infertility. Clinicians achieved ovulation   analysis with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version
            induction in women with PCOS using various means in the past.  The   20. A p value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
            first-choice treatment presently in PCOS women is administration
            of clomiphene citrate (CC).  We termed those who fail to ovulate   Definition of Term
            with a maximum dose of clomiphene citrate (i.e., a daily dose of   •  Failed LOD; failure to resume regular menses with ovulation
            150mg) “Clomiphene Citrate Resistant (CCR)”.  Clomiphene citrate   within 6–8 weeks following LOD.
            is successful in 80% of cases. The remaining 20% of patients who   •  Clomiphene citrate-resistant PCOS; PCOS patients who failed to
            did not ovulate this drug are declared CCR. 14        ovulate with 150 mg/day dose of clomiphene citrate
               The use of gonadotropins and metformin and ovarian drilling
            are the treatment modalities for those with CCR. 13  Outcome Variables
               Gjonnaess first described LOD in 1984.  The introduction of
            this procedure reawakened interest in the surgical management of   Primary outcome variables include the resumption of menses
            patients with CCR. This procedure involves the use of cautery or laser   with spontaneous ovulation and clinical pregnancy rates. We
            vaporization to create multiple perforations in the ovary. Previous   define clinical pregnancy as the presence of fetal cardiac activity
            data reported an increase in spontaneous ovulation and conception   on ultrasound. We define the clinical pregnancy rate as the
            rates following LOD, along with improved responsiveness to   percentage of patients with clinical pregnancy to the total number
            subsequent medical therapy. 15–17  Clinicians can do LOD as an   of participants at the end of the study. Other outcome measures
            outpatient procedure with less trauma and fewer postoperative   included were live birth rate, miscarriage rate, multiple pregnancies,
            adhesions. Conversely, although useful, gonadotropins expose the   and OHSS rates.
            patients to a series of complications, such as multiple pregnancy
            and hyperstimulation. Furthermore, gonadotropins are expensive,   Procedure
            and they require repeated doses and intensive monitoring. 13  We obtained informed consent for LOD. After general anesthesia
               This study aimed at evaluating patients’ characteristics as   and skin preparation, we use the Veress needle to create
            well as the results of LOD in patients with CCR polycystic ovarian   pneumoperitoneum. With the assistant lifting the anterior
            syndrome in our center.                            abdominal wall, the surgeon inserted the needle through a stab
                                                               incision in the umbilicus’s inferior crease in the mid-line. We perform
            MAterIAls And Methods                              Veress needle insertion with the patient in the supine position. After
                                                               this, the surgeon then places a 10-mm infra-umbilical (primary)
            Study Setting                                      port on the infraumbilical crease through a transverse incision.
            The study is prospective in design. We studied patients who had   We also place two 5-mm lateral (secondary) ports in the right
            LOD at the gynecological endoscopy unit of the Obstetrics and   and left iliac fossae lateral to inferior epigastric vessels using the
            Gynaecology Department, Bowen University Teaching Hospital,   baseball diamond concept. The surgeon then inserts a 0-degree
            Ogbomoso, between January 01, 2014, and June 30, 2016. The   10 mm telescope through the primary port and carries diagnostic
            center started gynecological endoscopy procedures in 2007 though   laparoscopy with chromopertubation for tubal patency.
            mainly diagnostic. Operative procedures began in 2013.  The surgeon then lifts the ovaries out of the ovarian fossa with
                                                               an irrigation cannula inserted through the ipsilateral secondary
            Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria                   ports. The cannula is wedged against the cervicouterine junction,
            We recruited patients with PCOS diagnosis based on the Rotterdam   giving a robust platform for drilling. We use a uterine manipulator
            criteria  who have had up to a daily dose of 150 mg clomiphene   to manipulate the uterus. The monopolar needle is then introduced
            citrate without evidence of ovulation. We excluded those with   from the contralateral secondary port and approaches the ovaries
            absolute contraindication for laparoscopy. We also excluded   at right angles. We usually carry out 4–10 drills on each ovary based
            patients with tubal pathology, severe endometriosis, severe male   on the size of the ovary. We then carried out suction irrigation of the
            factor, and those who refuse LOD as a treatment modality.  ovaries and peritoneal lavage using normal saline after the drill. The
                                                               surgeon carries out irrigation to cool the ovaries and clear the pelvis
            Methods                                            of any blood clots and debris. After the procedure, the assistant
            We obtained sociodemographic data and other important   removes the hand instruments and lets out pneumoperitoneum
            information from the patient at the presentation. Information on   through the secondary ports. We remove these ports under the
            the patient’s level of education and the husband’s occupation   vision, followed by the laparoscope, and the 10-mm trocar. The
            was also collected to group them into different social classes (i.e.,   surgeon then closes the port wounds with subcuticular suturing
            socioeconomic classes 1 to 5).  We further regroup the patients as   using Vicryl 2/0.
            upper, middle, and lower classes. We group classes 1 and 2 as upper
            social class, class 3 as a middle social class, while classes 4 and 5 were  Treatment Protocol
            grouped as a lower social class to aid data analysis.  Research assistants fill the forms as part of the postoperative
               Investigation results, including transvaginal ultrasound (TVS)   instructions for a repeat hormonal profile, especially for those
            results, hormonal profile results (before and after LOD), body mass   who resume menses before their follow-up visits. A repeat Day

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