Page 9 - WALS Journal
P. 9

Harmonic Scalpel and Clipless Cholecystectomy
            Methods                                            This can happen with steering of the blade extender during
                                                               laparoscopic surgery and may increase the exposure risk of
            Patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy  adjacent tissues to injury.
            were randomized to electrocautery or ultrasonic dissection of
            the gallbladder. The main outcome measures were gallbladder  Results
            perforation, operating time and the number of times the lens
            was cleaned. Univariate and multivariate analyses were  There was no conversion to open cholecystectomy and no
            performed.                                         intraoperative or immediate postoperative complications. The
                                                               operative times varied depending on the degree of
            Conclusion                                         pericholecystic and cholecystic and/or associated
                                                               intraperitoneal adhesions with an average incision to closure
            The use of ultrasonic dissection in laparoscopic cholecystectomy
            reduces the incidence of gallbladder perforation and helps the  time of 42 minutes. Division of the cystic duct by the harmonic
            operation to progress. Less experienced surgeons benefit most  scalpel required approximately 2 to 3 minutes, depending on
            from ultrasonic dissection, particularly in complicated  the ductal thickness and associated inflammation. In general,
            intraoperative circumstances.                      the cavitational effect on the surrounding pericholecystic
                                                               tissues, especially in the region of the liver bed, allowed for
            Advantages and Limits                              easier mobilization of the gallbladder, thus avoiding inadvertent
                                                               compromise of the gallbladder wall and bile spillage. No Liver
            The disadvantage of monopolar coagulation, the limits of the  bed charring or bilious seepage from any ducts of Luschka was
            bipolar coagulation and the frequent changes of instruments  observed. Length of procedure, hospital stay, and return to full
            during laparoscopic procedures, are three elements that make  functional status did not vary significantly from patients
            the harmonic dissectors very useful in laparoscopic surgery.
                                                               observed previously (personal experience) who underwent clip
                                                               and cautery procedures.All patients evaluated in the office
            Results and Conclusions
                                                               postoperatively demonstrated no evidence of bile leakage or
            After our short experience with HS and in concordance with  atypical complaints.
            literature, we consider that: The advantages are: the features to
            coagulate nearest delicate anatomic structures (biliary tree, large  DISCUSSION
            bowel, blood vessels) the absence of the smog and the slag;  This study clearly demonstrates that the Harmonic scalpel
            the scissors is a versatile device which allows the dissection  provides complete and reliable hemobiliary stasis in most
            and the coagulation without changes the instruments. The limits  patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomies. In all
            are: hemorrhages after insufficient coagulation or prehension,  patients who underwent division of the cystic duct and artery
            the necessity of the learning curve, high costs of the disposable  by harmonic scalpel alone, there were no clinically apparent
            materials. The HS device represents a real progress, especially  immediate or remote postoperative bile leaks or hemorrhages.
            for that laparoscopic surgery which requires the coagulation of  In the 2 patients with larger diameter cystic ducts (greater than
            blood vessels placed in thick and fat structures.
                                                               5 mm) identified intraoperatively, closure was accomplished
                                                               with application of a chromic Endoloop. Harmonic scalpel
                                                               division alone was not attempted due to the inherent limitations
            Background                                         of the instrument. Except for the 2 to 3 minute interval required
                                                               for cystic duct division, use of the harmonic scalpel did not
            The harmonic scalpel is an ultrasonically activated surgical  adversely affect the length of procedures. In fact, properties
            instrument for tissue dissection. Despite its expanding surgical  intrinsic to the harmonic scalpel (cavitation and smokeless
            applications, there are no reports about associated complications.  coagulation) seem to provide an advantage over electrocautery
               CASE: A 35-year-old woman sustained injury to the sigmoid  in the dissection of the gallbladder and may enhance surgeon
            colon from the use of the harmonic scalpel during laparoscopic  performance. Certainly, harmonic scalpel division of the cystic
            lysis of pelvic adhesions. The injury was identified and repaired  duct could be utilized independently of the direction of
            laparoscopically in a primary fashion with no subsequent  gallbladder dissection. One additional benefit of harmonic
                                                               scalpel dissection of the liver bed is the more effective closure
                                                               of the ducts of Luschka. While rarely of clinical significance,
                                                               bile leakage from the liver bed may contribute to postoperative
            Acoustic energy coupling and overheating of the laparosonic  pain, small bilomas, and the occasional return to the operative
            blade extender sheath occur with bending of the instrument.  room. Objective data documenting length of hospitalization and

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