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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2008;1(2):6-8
                                                     Nazih Salameh Amarin
            Harmonic Scalpel and Clipless


            Nazih Salameh Amarin
            IBN Khaldun Street 41, Jabal Aman–amman, Jordan–11183

            Abstract                                           technique described only in the European literature  and, at
            Background: The ultrasonically activated (Harmonic) scalpel has  best, is only anecdotal in the United States This study was
            proven to be an effective, efficient, and safe instrument for dissection  undertaken to demonstrate the efficiency, safety , and cost
            and hemostasis in both open and laparoscopic surgical procedures.  effectiveness of the Harmonic scalpel as the sole instrument to
            This Harmonic scalpel work on the tissue’s cutting and coagulating  achieve complete hemobiliary stasis in the performance of
            very effectively with the replacement the high frequency current,  laparoscopic cholecystectomies.
            which can be connected with diverse complications. The principle is
            transforming of the electric power into mechanical longitudinal  CASE REPORT
            movement of the working part of the instrument, by piezoelectrical
            transducer situated in the handpiece. The primary use of the Harmonic  Patient ages ranged from 17 years to 73 years, and treatment
            scalpel in laparoscopic cholecystectomies has been for the division of  was rendered in both elective outpatient and acute inpatient
            the cystic artery and liver bed dissection. Advancements in the  settings. Operative procedures were performed with the patient
            Harmonic scalpel blade tip now provide for the reliable ultrasonic  under general anesthesia and placed in the standard supine,
            division and closure of the cystic duct.           crucifix, reverse-Trendelenburg position. Pneumoperitoneum
            Keywords: Harmonic scalpel, Cholecystectomy.       was achieved by either Veress needle or visually guided cannula
                                                               CO  insufflation. All procedures were performed through 2
            INTRODUCTION                                       operative ports and a camera port. Dissection of the gallbladder
                                                               was initiated at the Triangle of Calot with identification,
            Designed as a safe alternative to electrocautery for the  skeletization, and division of the cystic duct and artery.
            hemostatic dissection of tissue, the ultrasonically activated  Antegrade mobilization of the gallbladder from the liver bed
            (Harmonic) scalpel was introduced into clinical use nearly a  followed with subsequent removal of the specimen through the
            decade ago. This innovative method of cutting tissue was based  umbilicus. In all but 2 cases, closure and division of the cystic
            upon the coagulating and cavitational effects provided by a  duct and artery as well as mobilization of the gallbladder from
            rapidly vibrating blade contacting various tissues.  The  the liver bed were accomplished solely with the Harmonic
            resulting decrease in temperatures, smoke, and lateral tissue  scalpel equipped with an LCS-C5 curved blade tip at a level 2
            damage placed the Harmonic scalpel in contrast to the effects  setting. Two patients with visibly large cystic ducts (greater
            seen with the more traditional electrosurgery/cautery. In  than 5 mm) underwent additional Endoloop closure of the duct
            addition, the elimination of inadvertent, sometimes  remnant. No intraoperative cholangiograms were performed.
            unrecognized, electrical arcing injuries with their potentially  Any patients presenting with clinical evidence of
            hazardous sequelae supported the role of the Harmonic scalpel  choledocholithiasis or biliary pancreatitis underwent
            as a potentially safer instrument for tissue dissection. Since its  preoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
            inception, the Harmonic scalpel has gained significant clinician  (ERCP) evaluation and treatment. All patients were evaluated
            acceptance and applications. Uses now range widely to include  up to 4 weeks postoperatively in the office.
            surgery of the head and neck, chest, liver, spleen, kidney,
            adrenal glands, colon, rectum, gastroesophageal junction, and  BACKGROUND
            others. Although variously described in the literature, wide  Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is frequently complicated by
            acceptance and usage of the Harmonic scalpel for standard  gallbladder perforation and loss of bile or stones into the
            laparoscopic cholecystectomies is lacking among our American  peritoneal cavity. The aim of this study was to compare the use
            general surgeon colleagues. Clip and cautery techniques  of ultrasonic dissection and electrocautery with respect to the
            predominate. Furthermore, total Harmonic scalpel dissection in  incidence of gallbladder perforation and intraoperative
            the performance of a laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a  consequences.

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