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Comparison of PMAT Camera Holder with Human Camera Holder
human surgical assistant during urological laparoscopic surgery. the movements of his instrumentation during laparoscopic
They observed that camera positioning was significantly steadier surgery.
with fewer inadvertent movements when under robotic rather
than human control. They found no significant difference in CONCLUSION
the operative times during dissections using the robot or human The PMAT is an intuitive, effective and easy to use device for
assistant, however. Begin et al, defined the motions of the holding camera during simple laparoscopic procedures like
human camera operator and expressed them mathematically by laparoscopic appendicectomy, ovarian cystectomy and
use of a spherical displacement model. They then applied this sterilization. It can replace the human camera operator where
to a revolving robotic arm with six degrees of freedom in surgeon can himself maintain co-axial alignment. PMAT reduces
conjunction an automated camera in the performance of the constraint of requiring an experienced camera driver for
cholecystectomy and other procedures in animal models. Turner optimum visualization during laparoscopic procedures. Further
compared the cost-effectiveness of using a robotic assistant large scale feasibility studies to accept it as a useful tool for
instead of a human assistant in a series of 12 cases of solo every surgeon are warranted.
surgery in laparoscopic bladder neck suspension. He concluded
that the cost of the robotic arm was less than that of human REFERENCES
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