Page 14 - WALS Journal
P. 14

Vijaykumar Rajaram Naik

            is—Tab. Lazid (Zidovudine 300mg + Lamivudine 150 mg) for 28  Occupational Exposure
            days. As with most anti-retrovirals these can cause side effects  During overall study total 4 assisting nurses subtended with
            such as diarrhea, headaches, nausea/vomiting and fatigue. Some  needle prick injury while assisting the surgeries in operation
            of these side effects can be quite severe and it is estimated that  theater. They all received emergency PEP (Post-exposure
            1 in 5 people give up PEP treatment before completion. 33  prophylaxis).

            RESULTS                                            Postoperative Antibiotics
            Total of 74 patients presented with surgical problems, out of  Most of the patients received at least 7-8 day course of
            them 22 patients treated with conservatively while remaining 52  postoperative higher antibiotics.
            treated with operative treatment forms basis of study.
                                                               Postoperative Analgesics
            Time of Surgery
                                                               Present study on open surgeries analgesics were given as thee
            Out of 52 operated patients, 14 (26.92%) patients operated on  times a day for 7 to 8 days.
            an emergency basis and 38 (73.08%) had planned surgeries.
                                                               Incidence of Wound Infection
                             No. of patients    Percentage (%)  Incidence of wound infection was found in almost 20-25% of
                                                               cases in the form of stitch abscess. It is found that incidence of
              Emergency           14            26.92
              Planned             38            73.08          wound infection was more in patients having low CD4 count
              Total               52            100            (< 200). One patient developed fecal fistula after resection
                                                               anastomosis and treated conservatively. Incidence of
                                                               respiratory complications like pneumonia observed in 12 patients
            Type of Operation                                  (23.07%).
            Out of 52 patients 18 (26.92%) patients underwent major and 34  Hospital Stay
            (47.06%) minor surgeries.
                                                               Hospital stay for patients underwent open major surgeries varied
                                                               from 8 days to 15 days.
                             No. of patients    Percentage (%)
              Major               18            52.94          Economy
              Minor               34            47.06          Average total expenses for surgery was 800 to 12000 depending
              Total               52            100
                                                               upon type of surgery, hospital stay and complications.

            Operation Time                                     Mortality
            Maximum number of patients (40) required 30 minute to one  Total 4 patients died in present study out of 52 operated patients.
            hour time, only some complicated cases (3) required more  So overall mortality rate was 7.69%.
            operative time i.e. 3 to 4 hours.

              Time           No. of patients    Percentage (%)  The literature on postoperative complications is descriptive
                                                               and inconsistent and does not support a firm conclusion on the
              0–1 hour            40            76.52          association between rates and HIV serostatus or disease stage.
              1–2 hours           04            07.69          The ultimate outcome of surgery in HIV-infected patients is
              2–3 hours           05            09.61          most likely dependent upon many independent variables and
              3–4 hours           03            05.76          not just the underlying viral infection or disease stage. 4
                                                                  Total number of patients with surgical problems was 74, out
            Blood Loss                                         of that 52 (70.27%) patients required open surgery. The number
                                                               of patients in the data is less as compared to other studies, 8,11,12
            The approximately blood loss during surgery varies from  as HIV is still a social stigmata and most of patients are not
            minimum of 30 ml to maximum of 300 ml depending of type of  exposing themselves. Also most of patients are managed
            surgery and findings.                              symptomatically by general practitioners. The overall incidence

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