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João Odilo Gonçalves Pinto et al
                            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2008;1(3):22-27
            Elective Laparoscopic Left Colectomy for

            Diverticular Disease: A Monocentric Study on

            205 Consecutive Patients

            1 João Odilo Gonçalves Pinto,  Basmah Fallatah,  Phillipe Espalieu,  Gilles Poncet,  Alvine Bissery
            1 Jean-Claude Boulez
            1 Department of General and Digestive Surgery, Edouard Herriot Hospital, University Claude Bernard Lyon 01–Lyon, France
            2 Department of Biostatistics, Hospices Civils de Lyon, University Claude Bernard Lyon 01 – Lyon, France
            Correspondence: Pr Jean-Claude Boulez. Hôpital Edouard Herriot, Service de Chirurgie Digestive–Pavillon D4, Place d’Arsonval,
            69437  Lyon CEDEX 03, Telephone : +33 472110107, Fax: +33 472116252

            Abstract                                           patient; (4) diverticular disease complicated with bleeding;
            This study was aimed to analyze the outcomes of laparoscopic  (5) diverticular disease with associated lesions of surgical
            colectomy for diverticular disease performed over a 17 year period at  treatment such as the colonic neoplasms. Although uniformly
            a single institution. Between April 1990 and May 2007.  followed in our surgical unit, those indications varied along the
                                                               years and could be anticipated or postponed according to the
            Keywords: Diverticular disease; laparoscopic colectomy; diverticulitis.
                                                               medical consultants’ referrals. After an episode of complicated
            MATERIALS AND METHODS                              diverticulitis, whether or not an invasive procedure was needed,
                                                               an interval of at least one month was respected before the
            Population                                         elective operation was scheduled (Table 1).
            Between April 1990 and May 2007, a total of 210 elective
            laparoscopic colonic resections for diverticular disease were  Surgical Technique
            performed at the D4 Unit of General and Digestive Surgery at  A total laparoscopic operative technique was used in which a
            the Edouard Herriot Hospital – Lyon, France. This study inclu-  stapled intra-abdominal anastomosis is made. The resected
            ded the 205 left colectomy procedures comprising 185 sigmoi-  specimen is removed through a small prolongation of a 12 mm
            dectomies (90, 24%) and 20 left hemicolectomies (9,76%). The  left lower quadrant (LLQ) trocar incision, occasion that is profited
            three right colectomies and two total colectomies were excluded.  to place a circular stapler anvil into the descending colon stump
               Patients were first referred for surgical consultation either
            from the gastroenterology department consultants, the  at the same time. The stapler is then passed through the anus to
                                                               complete the anastomosis after closing the small incision and
            community physicians or the emergency department. Pertinent
            information was then collected in a comprehensive sheet  re-establishing the pneumoperitonium. Some variations were
            throughout preoperative consultations, subsequent hospi-  tried at the beginning of the experience with the removal incision
            talizations and postoperative follow-up. Data were later entered  being used either to insert a hand-port (15 cases) or to manually
            into a computer database and updated every time new  perform the anastomosis in a laparoscopic-assisted technique
            information was obtained. Those included the patient’s  (7 cases). The procedure is performed with the surgeon placed
            antecedents, mode of presentation, surgical indications, pre-  on the right side of the patient and with the aid of four trocars.
            operative work-up, details of the operative procedure, com-  In 158 (77,07%) cases, it was judged necessary to release the
            plications, hospital stay, mortality and follow-up results.  splenic flexure of the colon. In those occasions, the procedure
               Usual surgical indications were: (1) after a documented  was started with the surgeon placed between the legs of the
            diagnosis of complicated diverticulitis either acute or chronic  patient and an additional 5 mm trocar could be placed. An
            (abscess, perforation, fistula, stenosis); (2) after the second  aspirative drain was placed most of the time (96,1% of cases)
            non-complicated acute attack of diverticulitis; (3) after the first  and a protection colostomy was rarely necessary (03 cases).
            non-complicated acute attack of diverticulitis in special situa-  The steps sequence of the operation are as follows:
            tions such as the patient aged < 50 years and immunosuppressed  (1) release of the splenic flexure of the colon (when necessary

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