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Rooh-ul-Muqim et al

            wound infections and duration of hospital stay in patients  and they were converted to open cholecystectomy. Of these 2
            undergoing LC and OC.                              patients had severely distorted anatomy of the Calot’s triangle
                                                               making dissection impossible, and in 2 cases there was iatrogenic
            MATERIALS AND METHODS                              injury to the cystic artery and cystic duct (1 case each).
                                                                  Thirty-one patients had laparoscopic cholecystectomy, out
            This study was conducted in Surgical D Unit Khyber Teaching  of which 7 (25.9%) patients had a 1 day postoperative hospital
            Hospital, Peshawar from July 2006 to December 2006. One  stay, 14 patients (45.16%) stayed 2 days in the hospital, 7 (25.9%)
            hundred  two symptomatic cases of gallstone disease presented  had a 3 days hospital stay, 2 (7.4%) had 4 days stay, and only 1
            to the unit in these 6 months out of which 50 cases were included  (3.7%) had a 5 days stay in the hospital (this patient had a slight
            in the study as the rest did not fit into the inclusion criteria and  biliary leak which stopped by itself by the 5th postoperative
            were thus excluded. Inclusion criteria was: (1) Patients with  day). The mean hospital stay in these patients thus came out to
            symptomatic gallstone disease only, (2) Patients with normal or  be 2.06 days. The patients who underwent open surgery had a
            near normal BMI (up to 10 kg over the ideal BMI was considered  2-day hospital stay in only 1 patient (6.66%), 4 patients (26.6%)
            near normal), (3) Non-pregnant. Exclusion criteria included:  stayed 3 days in the hospital, 6 (40%) had a stay of 4 days, and
            (a) Past history of surgery especially in the upper abdomen,  3 (20%) had a hospital stay of 5 days. Only 1 patient stayed for
            (b) Diabetes mellitus or any other co-morbid condition, e.g.  6 days in the hospital (6.66%). The mean in this group came out
            hypertension, CAD/IHD, peripheral vascular disease, chronic  to be 3.93 days of postoperative hospital stay, which is
            lung condition, etc. which may hamper postoperative progress,  significantly higher than the laparoscopy group. The 4 cases
            (c) Patients using oral contraceptives, steroids or any other  converted to open from laparoscopic form showed variable
            medication which may have a bearing on the postoperative  lengths of hospital stay, i.e. 1 had a 5 day stay, 7 days in two
            recovery.                                          and 25 days in one patient. Mean stay came out at 11.25 days in
               Patients admitted both as emergency and OPD were included  this group. Only the patient who had iatrogenic injury to the
            and their clinical data was obtained on pre-formed proformas.  cystic duct had a prolonged hospital stay of 25 days and even
            Their date of admission, date of surgery and the surgical  she was discharged on the 6th postoperative day, but she
            procedure they underwent were noted. All operations were  returned a day later with biliary leak from wound site and had to
            performed by senior consultant surgeons or senior residents  be re-admitted. Except this, all the rest had uneventful
            under supervision. Postoperatively the patients were followed  postoperative  recoveries with no complications.
            for their requirement of analgesia, time of mobilization, tolerance
            of oral feeds, signs of infection (e.g. fever, chest infection,  Postoperative Morbidity
            wound infection) and their date of discharge from hospital was
            also recorded. The patients were followed for upto 4 weeks for  The other parameters of postoperative progress that we
            any complications. From this data mean hospital stay, frequency  considered also showed a clear advantage of LC over OC. Pain
            of analgesic requirement, chest infection, febrile morbidity,  was significantly lower in the LC group with 18 patients (58.06%)
            mobilization and discharge with return to activity were calculated  having mild pain, 12 (38.7%) having moderate pain and only
            to compare the difference between the two groups. Most  1 case (3.22%) complaining of severe pain requiring analgesia
            important parameter that was closely followed was wound  for 2 days. Severe pain requiring prolonged analgesia was seen
            infection in the two groups. Wound infection was graded as  in 3 cases (15.7%) of OC, 14 (73.68%) having moderate pain and
            follows:                                           2 (10.5%) having mild pain. Fever was noted in 5 cases of OC
            1. Grade I: skin and superficial subcutaneous tissue infection  (26.31%) as against only 1 case (3.22%) of LC. Wound infection
               only requiring wound dressing.                  was not seen in any patients with LC and 11 cases (57.8%) of
            2. Grade II: Deep subcutaneous tissue infection requiring  OC, whereas 2 cases (10.5%) of OC showed grade 1 infection
               antibiotics, drainage of pus and dressings with prolonged  and 1 case each (5.2%) of grade 2 and 3 infections were seen. 4
               hospital stay.                                  cases of OC (21%) and 2 cases (6.45%) showed mild chest
            3. Grade III: Widespread infection or systemic infection  infection. Mild GIT disturbances (nausea, vomiting, etc.) were
               requiring hospitalization and I/V antibiotics.  seen in all patients in the immediate postoperative period and in
                                                               no case later than 6 hours post-op. 3 patients (15.7%) with OC
                                                               had prolonged vomiting and required I/V anti-emetics.
            Hospital Stay                                      DISCUSSION

            Out of the 50 patients who were included in the study, 15(30%)  Gallstones are a major cause of surgical morbidity as well as
            patients underwent open surgery, 31(62%) had laparoscopic  admissions.  The estimated prevalence of GS disease in Pakistan
            cholecystectomy and 4(8%) patients were those in which an  is 15%  and may be responsible for 22% admissions in a surgical
            attempt at laparoscopic cholecystectomy was made which failed  unit. 7
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