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João Odilo Gonçalves Pinto et al

                          TABLE 9: Risk factors studied in multivariate analysis of postoperative functional disorder

                                                       Odds ratio             SE             p-value
             Associated lesions                         3.19                1.7              0.029
             Length of the associated procedures (min)  1.0088               .0064851        0.173

                                         TABLE 10: Intraoperative complications (n = 10, 4.89%)

              Complication                                   Nr                     Management
              Tear of the mesocolon                           1                     Laparoscopic repair
              Colonic injury                                  3                     Conversion for repair (01 case)
                                                                                    Laparoscopic repair (02 cases)
              Inferior mesenteric artery injury               1                     Laparoscopic repair
              Superficial epigastric vessels injury           1                     Laparoscopic repair
              Hypogastric artery injury                       1                     Laparoscopic repair
              External iliac artery injury                    1                     Conversion for ligature
              Left ureter injury                              1                     Laparoscopic repair
              Tear of rectal stump below anastomosis          1                     Conversion for repair
              Total                                          10

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