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Comparison in Terms of Postoperative Morbidity and Hospital Stay between Open Cholecystectomy and LC
                            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2008;1(3):17-21
            Comparison in Terms of Postoperative Morbidity

            and Hospital Stay between Open Cholecystectomy

            and Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

            1 Rooh-ul-Muqim,  Faryal Gul Afridi,  Javeria Iqbal,  Jehangir Akbar,  Zahoor Khan,  M Zarin
            2 Samiullah,  Mohammad Aziz Wazir
            1 Assistant Professor, Surgical D Unit, Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan
            2 Resident, Surgical D Unit, Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan
            3 Surgical D Unit, Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan
            4 Senior Registrar, Surgical D Unit, Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan
            5 Professor and Incharge, Surgical D Unit, Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan
            Correspondence: Faryal Gul Afridi, Resident Surgical D Unit, Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan

            Abstract                                           Conclusion: Minimally invasive surgery is infact very effective in
                                                               reducing postoperative morbidity and thus hospital stay in patients
            Type of study: Comparative.
                                                               with gallstones. Although open cholecystectomy is still performed in
            Aim: To compare the postoperative morbidity in terms of post-  our hospitals, the time is near when it will be largely replaced by the
            operative pain, gait disturbances, wound and respiratory infections  laparoscopic technique.
            along with length of hospital stay in patients undergoing laparoscopic  Keywords: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy; minimally invasive
            cholecystectomy with those undergoing open surgery for symptomatic  surgery; open cholecystectomy; hospital stay.
            gallstone disease to compare the effectivity of minimally invasive
            surgery with open surgery in reducing postoperative morbidity and  INTRODUCTION
            thus length of hospital stay.
                                                               Cholecystectomy is one of the most frequently performed
            Place and duration of study: Surgical Unit Khyber Teaching Hospital,
            Peshawar, Pakistan; from July 2006 to December 2006.  operations. Open cholecystectomy (OC) has been the gold
                                                               standard for over 100 years. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
            Materials and methods: This study included a total of 50 patients  (LC) was introduced in the 1980s.  Since its foundation,
            who underwent either open or laparoscopic cholecystectomy in our  laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become the procedure of
            unit (SDW KTH). Their clinical data, admission dates and date of  choice for symptomatic gallstone disease.  Although both of
            surgery were noted. Postoperative progress was followed and  these procedures are fairly well tolerated, wound infection
            requirement of analgesia, nausea, vomiting, febrile morbidity, wound  remains the most common postoperative complication which
            infections and respiratory tract infections, if any were noted. Their
            date of discharge from hospital was also recorded. Re-admission (if  not only prolongs hospital stay, increases cost of treatment
            any) for any complication of surgery was noted and further days  but can also lead to long-term complications.  LC is highly
            spent in hospital were recorded. This data was analyzed to see the  praised and demanded by patients due to less pain, shortened
            post-operative morbidity and length of hospital stay in these patients.  hospital stay and diminished disability. LC abolishes the trauma
                                                               and transient ileus that follows open surgery, thus patients are
            Results: Out of the 50 patients included in this study, the mean hospital  free of postoperative pain and there is requirement of analgesia. 4
            stay for the patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy
            was 2.06 days as against 3.93 days for those having open surgery for  A minimal impact on immune system, minimal exposure to exter-
            symptomatic gallstone disease. Also pain (and thus analgesia  nal environment, carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum, better
            requirement) and other complications were significantly lower for the  visualization of tissues for dissection and hemostasis reduces
            patients who had minimally invasive surgery indicating the superiority  the frequency of infections and other morbidity in patients
            of laparoscopic technique as regards postoperative hospital stay and  undergoing LC.  Thus, aim of this study was to observe and
            morbidity.                                         compare the postoperative morbidity in terms of pain, GI upsets,

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