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Comparison in Terms of Postoperative Morbidity and Hospital Stay between Open Cholecystectomy and LC

               Since the introduction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC)  U Berggren and associates had noted that although laparos-
            in 1987, numerous advances have been made in the technique.  copic cholecystectomy has rapidly become established as the
            LC has been shown to be safe for the emergency treatment of  treatment of choice for cholelithiasis there is very little evidence
            acute cholecystitis.  In this era of increasing minimally invasive  to support the claimed benefit to patients and they tried, with
            surgery, conversion to open in cases of difficult dissection may  success in their study to prove its effectiveness as in their
            prove a difficult task for the exclusively laparoscopic surgeon. 9  study the mean duration of hospital stay and sick leave was
               Age is one of the critical factors affecting the morbidity and  significantly longer in patients who underwent open surgery
            mortality rates after open cholecystectomy in both acute and  for GS.  Same results have been obtained in our study.
            chronic cholecystitis (Table 1). 10, 11  Increasing age in patients  J Wenner and his associates compared the financial aspects
            undergoing open cholecystectomy has been associated with  of both these procedures and reported a 10% lower hospital
            increased length of hospital stay as well (Table 2).  In a  cost in patients who had laparoscopic surgery with lesser number
            retrospective study by Jatzko GR, Lisbog PH and associates  of days off work (14 versus 35 in open cholecystectomy)
            age has been identified as the only significant factor in  showing laparoscopic cholecystectomy to be more cost-effec-
            increasing the morbidity rate after laparoscopic cholecystectomy  23
            as well (Table 3).  Julio Mayol and his associates have,  tive.  Although we did not compare the costs of these two
            however, shown that Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe in  procedures, the reduced hospital stay itself is an indicator of its
            the aged (even above 70 years) for symptomatic gallbladder  cost-effectivity (as patients spend lesser time and thus lesser
            disease and is associated with a short hospital stay, low rates  resources in the hospital and report back earlier to their jobs).
            of readmissions and recurrent biliary surgery.  Age has never  However, Kory Jones and his associates argued that surgeons
            been a contraindication for laparoscopic cholecystectomy, 15  should feel comfortable in converting from laparoscopic to open
            although initially this approach was reserved for low-risk  cholecystectomy in cases of tedious dissection as it does not
            patients. 10                                                  TABLE 1: Age and sex distribution
               In addition to the traditional four-port technique, three
            trocars (ports) and even two trocars are used to perform LC  Charachteristic    Open cholecys-    Laparoscopic
            16,17  along with using mini-instruments, authors of these new     tectomy        cholecystectomy
            techniques claim that these techniques take a similar time to     n = 19(15+4*)      n = 31
            perform and cause less postoperative pain than the standard      No.      %         No.   %
            laparoscopic cholecystectomy. 16,18                 Sex  Male      3     15.7       3    15.7
                Trihac in his prospective trial addressed the safety and  Female  16  84.2     28    90.3
            advantages of the three port technique in terms of analgesia  Age  < 20 years  0    0  2  6.45
            requirement  and found no improvement in the postoperative  21-30 years  1  5.2    3      9.6
            hospital stay. In a comparison study by Dhafir Al-Azawi and  31-40 years  8  42.1  13    41.9
            associates Diclofenac and pethidine were the most commonly  41-50 years  9  47.3   10    32.25
            used postoperative analgesics prescribed after LC.  Patients  51-60 years  1  5.2  2      6.45
            who underwent three-port LC needed lesser pethidine than  > 60 years  0   0        1      3.22
            those who underwent four-port LC however diclofenac use did  *Cases converted to OC after failed attempt at LC.
            not relate to the technique used.  The operating time was also
            lower in the three-port technique. So the introduction of the      TABLE 2: Hospital stay
            three-port technique means patients need fewer pain-killers,
            shorter hospital stays (2.8 vs 3.7), fewer scars and most cost  No. of       Open      Laparoscopic
            savings; it has however its own shortcomings and should only  days  cholecystectomy  cholecystectomy
            be attempted by experienced surgeons. 21                       n = 19(15+4*)              n =31
               Our study also reports a very low incidence of postoperative  No.of cases          %  No. of            %
            complications. However, despite the fact that we have reported                       cases
            a very low complication rate, there is always an element of
            doubt as regards patient feedback. This may be secondary to  Day care  0   0          7      22.58
            many reasons, e.g. (1) Most of the patients presenting to KTH  1-2 Days  1  5.2      14      45.16
            come from far flung areas, especially from Afghanistan, with  2-3 Days  4  21         7      22.58
            poor access to tertiary care facilities so that some may have  3-4 Days  6  31.5      2       6.45
            reported to local doctors if/when any complication arose,  4-5 Days  4  (3+1*)  21    1       3.22
            (2) general habit of ignoring mild/moderate problems due to  >5 Days  4  (1+3*)  21   0       0
            financial and/or social limitations.                *Cases converted to OC after failed attempt at LC.

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