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Effect of Endoscopic Thyroidectomy via Anterior Chest Wall Approach on Treatment of Benign Thyroid Tumors
                            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2008;1(3):13-16
            Effect of Endoscopic Thyroidectomy via

            Anterior Chest Wall Approach on Treatment of

            Benign Thyroid Tumors

            Mingliang Wang, Tao Zhang, Zhihai Mao, Feng Dong, Jianwen Li, Aiguo Lu, Weiguo Hu, Lu Zang
            Yu Jiang, Minhua Zheng

            Shanghai Minimally Invasive Surgery Center, Surgery Department of Shanghai Ruijin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai JiaoTong
            University Medical School, Shanghai, China

            Abstract                                           INTRODUCTION
            Objective: To evaluate the inflammatory response and acid-base  Ever since the endoscopic thyroidectomy was originated and
            equilibrium index, as well as other clinical facts of the endoscopic  developed, this operation has been favoured world widely with
            thyroidectomy via the anterior chest wall approach.  its excellent clinical and cosmetic outcomes. However, this
                                                               operation requires insufflation of CO , which may impair acid-
            Methods: 39 patients who received thyroidectomy in our surgical  base equilibrium. Moreover, the dissection of skin flap is more
            center during September 2007 and January 2008 were included in this  extensive than conventional thyroidectomy. All these concerns
            study. Twenty of the patients underwent an endoscopic surgery, and  have been obsessing the surgeons whether it will cause more
            the rest 19 received a conventional surgery. These patients’ data were  damage to the human body than the conventional one.
            compared within and between treatment groups with respect to clinical  Our study tries to analyze and compare the differences
            facts and inflammatory evaluations. Arterial blood gas data and  between the endoscopic thyroidectomy and the conventional
            electrolyte data were analyzed within the endoscopic group.  thyroidectomy in respect of inflammatory response, arterial
                                                               blood gas (ABG) evaluation, as well as durations of operational
            Results: Endoscopic thyroidectomy group showed shorter operative  time and postoperational hospital stay.
            time compared to that of conventional thyroidectomy group, although
            the difference didn’t reach statistical significance. No significant  PATIENTS AND METHODS
            difference regarding postoperative hospital stay was observed between
            two groups. Postoperative day 1 shows much higher values of IL-6  Thirty-nine (39) patients with benign thyroid diseases,
            and TNF than that measured preoperative or postoperative day 3 in  hospitalized in our surgical centre during September 2007 and
                                                               January 2008 were included in this study, preoperatively
            both groups. CRP appeared to be significantly increased  diagnosed by ultrasonography, including solitary nodule
            postoperatively in both groups, although no difference between the  (16 cases), multiple cysts (5) and multiple nodules (18). No
            two groups was found. Although blood cortisol significantly increased  concomitant disease was found.  These patients were non-
            in both groups postoperatively, the data of endoscopic group  randomly treated in either endoscopic method or conventional
            postoperative day 1 was lower than the same day of conventional  procedure on account of the tumor diameter (< 5 cm), age (not
            group. Arterial blood gas analysis showed that both PCO  and TCO 2  necessary excluding criteria but recommended in relatively
            were statistically different between preoperation and 30 min after  young patients) and their own requests. Patients received either
            insufflation. No insufflation complication was observed.  unilateral or bilateral subtotal lobectomy according to their state
                                                               of lesions. Postoperative paraffin section indicates benign tumor
            Conclusion: Compared with conventional thyroid surgery, endoscopic
            thyroidectomy via anterior chest wall approach presented with no  in all patients, including 21 cases of nodular goiter, 18 adenoma
                                                               including 2 with cystoid degeneration. No postoperative
            significant difference in respect of both clinical facts and laboratory  complications were observed, and no analgetics were applied
                                                               after surgery.
            Keywords: Surgery; endoscopy; thyroidectomy; anterior chest wall  We used 4-6 mmHg CO  to sustain the operative space.
            approach; inflammatory response; arterial blood gas analysis;  Parametric data were evaluated by T-test and ANOVA
            electrolyte.                                       analysis.

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