Page 45 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 45

Spencer EE Efem

            postoperative period as a result of persistent effect of local  comparison of laparoscopic versus open repair sponsored by
            anesthetic. For every activity considered the median time until  EU Biomed,  program included 45 relative comparisons in 41
            return to normal was significantly shorter in the laparoscopic  eligible trials involving over 700 patients. Individual patients
            group. The mean cost per patient was 335 pounds costlier in  data was available in 4165 patients. Meta analysis revealed that
            the laparoscopic. They concluded that laparoscopic repair has  laparoscopic repair was associated with reduced recurrence
            considerable short-term clinical advantage after discharge  rate when compared with open nonmesh repair but was not
            compared with open mesh hernioplasty, although it was more  different to open mesh repair. This analysis also revealed six
            expensive.                                         visceral injuries four bladder injuries, one bowel injury and three
               In another MRC study carried out by Lawrence et al  data  vascular injuries.
            was collected on 104 patients undergoing laparoscopic and  All studies unanimously agreed that cost of laparoscopic
            open hernia repair on a day care basis in the context of a  repair is very much higher that the cost of open mesh repair. 2-5
            randomized control trial. They found out that the mean total  The MRC studies by Lawrence et al.  specifically stated that
            health service cost of laparoscopic repair was $1074 vs $489 for  the cost per patient for laparoscopic repair was $1074 as against
            open repair (mean difference in total health service cost $583;  $489 for open repair. This is outrageous considering that most
            95% confidence interval C I $265-$904). They explained that the  open repair are now carried out as day cases. The reason for
            difference was largely accounted for the difference in theater  this escalated cost is the cost of equipment and theater
            cost. They concluded that laparoscopic hernia appears an  modification to accommodate the equipment and the after care
            expensive option in most plausible situation furthermore; many  of the equipment after use.
            uncertainties still exist about long-term outcome after the  The conclusions arrived at by the various studies are as
            procedure and about the condition necessary to maximize cast  follows the MRC studies does not recommended laparoscopic
            effectiveness.                                     approach as the method of choice for hernia repair. Neumayer
               In a long-term follow-up of laparoscopic transabdominal  et al concluded that open mesh repair is superior to laparoscopic
            preperitoneal (TAPP) mesh repair under general anesthesia  repair for primary hernias. Wellwood and his colleague
            compared with open mesh repair under local anesthesia. Douek  concluded in their studies that laparoscopic hernia repair has
            et al.  reported that long-term complication occurred less  considerable advantages over open mesh repair even through
            frequently in TAPP patients compared with Lichtenstein group,  more expensive. Douek et al believed that laparoscopic approach
            and 4% of TAPP group experienced groin pain and numbness  is the favored method (Table 1).
            compared with 33% of Lichtenstein group. The symptoms were  The main drawback in laparoscopic hernia are high cost
            clinically important in 12 patients in the open surgery group  and the serious complications like puncture of the bladder
            and not in the TAPP group. Recurrence in TAPP and open  intestine and major blood vessels. These can be offset by
            repair were 2% and 3% respectively.                thorough and intensive training of residents and the use of
               Paganini et al.  All in their study concluded that TAPP was  reusable instruments in order to bring down cost. Only then
            associated with less postoperative pain but the increase cost  can the advantages such as short hospital stay, improved
            was uncompensated by early return to work.         cosmesis, early return to work and patients satisfaction be
                                                               meaningfully achieved.
            In this review only studies that used mesh in the open repair  CONCLUSION
            were included in order to eliminate bias. All studies agreed that  From the review of laparoscopic versus open mesh repair of
            early postoperative pain was less in the Lichtenstein open mesh  inguinal hernia there was no clear consensus on the preference
            repair than with laparoscopic mesh repair but chronic pain and  of one method to the other. In advanced countries where people
            paraesthesia were more the Lichtenstein group. This was  enjoy health insurance and are well to do and also have enough
            explained on the basis that the local anesthesia used in the  well-trained man power, laparoscopic surgery repair of inguinal
            open mesh group kept the patients pain free the first post-  hernia could be considered the favored approach. In surgically
            operative day but as the effect wore off pain returned.  poor third would countries where people are poor and have no
               Large single and multi-institutional studies stated that  health insurance scheme open mesh repair will continue to be
            complication rate after laparoscopy hernioplasty vary from  the method of choice.
            1-13% but the complication recorded by each study differ
            widely and only 1-1.3% in expert specialist centers. Where as  ACKNOWLEDGMENT
            many studies reported more long-term complication in the open
            mesh then in laparoscopic. They also reported life-threatening  I wish to thank Professor RK Mishra, Director of laparoscopy
            complications such as bladder perforation, bowel injuries, and  Hospital, New Delhi, India for his useful hints on how to conduct
            vascular injuries in the laparoscopic method. In a number of  the literature search. I wish to thanks Mr Anil Aryan and
            meta-analyses and systematic reviews on randomized  Mr Anand Sinha for their secretarial assistance.

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