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Laparoscopic versus Open Mesh (Lichtenstein) Repair of Inguinal Hernia: Current Status from Literature Review
             REVIEW ARTICLE
            Laparoscopic versus Open Mesh (Lichtenstein)

            Repair of Inguinal Hernia: Current Status from

            Literature Review

            Spencer EE Efem
            Laparoscopic Hospital, New Delhi, India
            Correspondence: Spencer EE Efem, FRCS, University Department of Surgery, University of Calabar, College of Medical
            Sciences, Calabar, Nigeria, e-mail:

              The aim of this study was to review studies conducted recently in large centers which compared the laparoscopic approach to open
              mesh method in the repair of inguinal hernia. Search from literature was conducted using Highwire press and Google search engine.
              Analyses were made using parameters like type of anesthesia, operation time, hospital stay, early and late complication, pain and
              narcotic usage, time of return to work, cost effectiveness and patients satisfaction. Result showed that laparoscopic group experienced
              less pain, returned earlier to work and had more satisfactory outcome even though paid twice as much as the open mesh group. The
              laparoscopic group also suffered more fatal complications such as visceral injury. Hemorrhage and bladder and intestinal injuries as well
              as some deaths. In conclusion opinion was divided, some favored laparoscopic while others favored open mesh repair.
              Keywords: Laparoscopic versus open mesh inguinal, hernia, Lichtenstein repair.

            INTRODUCTION                                       Shouldice and Basini repair and the Scandinavian studies which
                                                               compared laparoscopic versus shouldice repair were excluded.
            Laparoscopic surgery is another example of how technology
            invades medical practice forcing clinicians to adapt to usage of  CONTENT
            the newly introduced equipment sometimes to a great advantage
            albeit with its attendant high cost. Eventually the patient, the  In the MRC trial  of 1000 cases compared laparoscopic mesh
            government and the insurance companies pay for the over  with Lichtenstein mesh repair reported that the laparoscopic
            zealousness of clinicians. Sometimes this is done at the expense  group had less pain and more rapid return to work than there
            of relegating tested, satisfactory and excellent orthodox practice  counterpart who had open mesh. However there was no
            to the background in favor of what is new. It is for this reason  recurrence in the open mesh group while 1.9% of patients in the
            that the necessity for carrying out large scale multicenter  laparoscopic group had recurrence after one year follow-up.
            randomized studies comparing laparoscopic mesh repair with  There were three major complications in the laparoscopic group
            open mesh repair for the repair of inguinal hernia has become  including one bladder perforation and trocar injury to the left
            paramount. Analyses of the most recent studies are the subject  common iliac artery.
            of this review.                                       The largest randomized trial was the one conducted by
                                                               Neunayer et al, 2000 patients. This trial also compared open
            MATERIAL AND METHODS                               mesh with laparoscopic mesh repair of inguinal hernia.  Ten
                                                               percent of laparoscopic group suffered recurrence compared
            A literature search was conducted in BMJ, New England Journal  with 4.9% in the open group at a median follow-up period of 2
            of Medicine (NEJM), British Journal of Surgery and Journal of  years. As with the MRC studies fatal complications were more
            MAS using Highwire press and the search engine of Google.  common with the laparoscopic group. There were two deaths in
            The following search terms were used laparoscopic versus open  the laparoscopic group one resulting from intestinal perforation
            mesh repair of inguinal hernia. Lichtenstein mesh repair. Criteria  and the other from pulmonary embolism on the third post-
            for selection of literature for review were number of cases  operative day. Neumayer et al concluded that open technique
            (excluded if less than 100) method of analysis (statitcal or  is superior to the laparoscopic for mesh repair of primary
            nonstatitcal) operative procedure only universally accepted  hernia.In their randomized control trial which compared
            procedures were selected and institution where the studies were  laparoscopic vs open mesh repair of 403 patients with inguinal
            conducted (only large specialized institutions and studies  hernia,Wellwood et al  found that more patients in the open
            conducted by MRC, NICE, and EU biomed were included which  group (96%) than in the laparoscopic group. 89% were
            compared laparoscopic mesh repair with open mesh repair. Large  discharged on the same day of operation x2 = 6.7;1 df; p = 0.01.
            studies like that of Liem et al which compared laparoscopic with  Patients in the open group also suffered less pain on the early
            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2009;2(3):53-55                         53
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