Page 42 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Laparoscopic versus Intraoperative Ultrasound in the Diagnostic of Liver Tumors

            MORBIDITY                                          disease without the possibility of leaving a sufficient liver
                                                               remnant, precluding radical resection. 6
            Three papers out of 8 analyze the morbidity of LIOU. Then  There are some issues that are very important do discuss
            numbers in each paper describe only minor complications after
            LIOU. MD Angelica describes in his data 27% of morbidity  here. First, any surgeon performing IOU has to be experience in
            after IOU. The same author claim to have only 9% of morbidity  transabdominal ultrasonography and have some basic
            in the cases performs by LIOU. There is significant difference  knowledge in ultrasonography. Second, the surgeon has to be
            in morbidity in MD’Angelica study that compares the advantage  familiarized with the available probes for the ultrasound scanner,
            of LIOU vs IOU. 16                                 the ones use for transabdominal, intraoperative and
                                                               laparoscopy. Third, the experience is very important because
                                                               each different probe offers a different image and sometime area
            HOSPITAL STAY
                                                               and image varies depending on how the ultrasound crystals are
            Hospital stay was much shorter in LIOU. Average stay was 2  aligning in the probe. There are new probes coming tote market-
            days. The longest stay in patients who underwent LIOU was 5  offering improvements with working channels and biopsy
            days. The median hospital stay describe by Dr Lai in the of the  needle guide. Other characteristics have to be analyze, for
            laparoscopic treatment group was significantly shorter than for  example echogenicity of the lever metastasis. But for sure it
            the open treatment group for patients with unresectable HCC  would take a longer time and experience to raised consistent
            (5 vs 7 d; P = 0.003).  Other authors in the LIOU report a range of  conclusions. Many authors agreed that IOU sensitivity might
            1.3-1.5 median hospital stay days. If we compare the standard  be good for small lesions with different textures. 8
            stay of 8 days after IOU perform through a conventional  Limitation of the LIUO that require converting the patient
            laparotomy approach. There is a remarkable advantage when  to open surgery, were cases with multiple adhesions due to
            we analyze the hospital stay between these two procedures.  previous surgeries. SMM Castro report in his study five patients
                                                               (13%) from the LIOU group could not be performed because of
            DISCUSSION                                         adhesions from previous surgery. 6

            The liver primary and secondary tumors treatment have changed
            toward a more aggressive approach. Indications for metastasis  CONCLUSION
            resection are treated more aggressively and it surgical approach  Laparoscopy ultrasound has demonstrated to be very useful in
            is perform by local or segmental resection for multiple lesions  diagnostic of liver tumor lesions. Therefore, there is big room
            and bilobar disease. Definitely, a better definition of liver  for the LIOU improved in diagnostic liver tumors. New and
            anatomy and the skill evolved in the use of IOUS has led to a  improved LIOU probes would very soon allow similar findings
            much more safe and practical approach of these lesions. 6  than IOU. Targeting laparoscopy to patients at high risk for
               Small liver metastasis about 1 cm can be find with  unresectable disease requires consideration to avoid
            Intraoperative US (IOUS), for that reason is considered the  unnecessary laparotomy.
            gold standard, it has a sensitivity of 80% for evaluating this
            small liver lesions. 17                            REFERENCES
               LIOU was able to identify 55% of patients with unresectable
            disease, suggesting that there is much room for improvement. 4  1. Guidelines for the Use of Laparoscopic Ultrasound. Practice/
            The difficult recognize as and advantage of IOU over LIUO is  Clinical Guidelines published on: 03/2009( by the Society of
                                                                    American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES).
            the possibility to identify vascular invasion and invaded lymph  2. Klaus Thaler, Shalini Kanneganti, Yashohdan Khajanchee,
            nodes. Clearly, if staging laparoscopy for hepatobiliary  Charlyn Wilson RN, Lee Swanstrom, Paul D. Hansen. The
            malignancy is to be improved, efforts must be directed at better  Evolving Role of Staging Laparoscopy in the Treatment of
            identifying vascular invasion and metastatic disease in lymph  Colorectal Hepatic Metastasis Arch Surg/ Vol 140, Aug 2005.
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            of vessels on imaging studies or laparoscopy, but rather have  4. Keming Zhang, Norihiro Kokudo, Kiyoshi Hasegawa, Junichi
            only a suggestion of vessel contact, which can often be assessed  Arita, Wei Tang, Taku Aoki, Hiroshi Imamura, Keiji Sano,
                                                                    Yasuhiko Sugawara, Masatoshi Makuuchi, Detection of New
            only at operation. Lymph node metastasis requires persistence  Tumors by Intraoperative Ultrasonography During Repeated
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            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2009;2(3):43-46                         45
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