Page 41 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 41

María A Matamoros

            laparoscopic probes making the procedure very cumbersome  identifiable lesions were 10 at the primary hepatectomy and 4 at
            and had bad image quality of 1.4 cm depth. 1       the second hepatectomy. The lesions missed by IOU were very
               A good laparoscopy probe might have less than 10 mm to  small, all of them less than 10 mm. Three small lesions out of 10
            be able to introduce in a 10 mm laparoscopy port. Ideally, the  were positive on lipidol CT.  When it compares the LIOU with
            length of the probe should be 35-50 cm to access adequately  CT, LIOU showed more sensitivity than CT in finding lesions
            the abdominal cavity. The IOU probes generally come in 5-10  between 0.3 to 2.4 cm. But we can not conclude out of these
            MHz. Actually majority of this LS probes come in 5-10 MHz as  findings that LIOU is better than IOU because there is more
            it is in IOU. The 5-10 MHz probes allow a penetration depth of  data need. Actually, it should be more difficult accessing some
            4-10 cm. And the LS come with a flexible tip to maximize it  liver segments due to the shape of the LIOU.
            capability to scan difficult angles of abdominal organs.  IRRESECTABILITY
               Regarding the technique of the IOU is use the regular
            bilateral subcostal approach used for liver surgery. The most  One of the biggest advantage of minimal access surgery in
            common technique of laparoscopy approach describe in SAGES  terminal patients or patients that do not meet the conditions to
            guidelines is one trocar placed periumbilically with other trocar  received the benefit of tumor resection, is the feasibility to
            subcostally and a last one placed xyphoid or under the left  overcome faster the surgical procedure and follow other
            costal marging at the level of the midaxillary line and the anterior  alternative treatment, like chemotherapy, alcohol injection,
            axillary line. 1                                   chemoembolization or radiofrequency ablation.
                                                                  The benefit to the patient with unresectable liver disease is
                                                               clearly address in several papers, as it is the sensitivity to find
                                                               small tumors, and give and early opportunity to the patient
            The papers reviews mostly look at the feasibility of increased  feasible to go under liver resection.
            diagnosed by laparoscopy ultrasonography. It is well known  A total of 232 patients in the group of LIOU from 7 studies
            the need of intraoperative ultrasound diagnosis in liver surgery.  look to the data and refine diagnosed of irresectability. All this
            Then we show here the information collected.       patients had complementary studies, CT, transabdominal
                                                               ultrasound and MRI. The irresectability of the tumor or tumors
            NUMBER OF PATIENTS INVOLVED IN THE STUDIES         was found in LIOU. Therefore, when this finding is done with
                                                               IOU, means for the patient an unnecessary laparotomy with a
            A total number 2580 patients are analyze in this review. 2-21  946  larger probability of morbidity, larger length of hospital stay
            out of 1290 with different types of tumors received as a  and delay in palliative treatment. 268 patients in enroll in 6 studies
            complementary diagnostic ultrasound laparoscopy. And total  had tumor irresectability after IOU. Majority of the studies of
            number of 1290 patients received as a complementary diagnostic  IOU compares the IOU with other complementary studies, and
            ultrasound with conventional laparotomy. All this studies were  did not take in account this important variable of irresectability.
            performed in patients with colorectal cancer, primary HCC and
            endocrine tumors.                                  SURGICAL PLAN CHANGED
                                                               Ninety-six patients out of 1290 that underwent LIOU, the
            OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE                                previous surgical plan were changed to another one in term of
            IOU was perform in all of the cases through conventional  liver resection. The fact is only 2 papers were looking to this
            laparotomy. LIOU approach was carried out under general  variable out of 8 papers in the group of LIOU and 4 papers out
            anestesia CO  pneumoperitoneum was induced by using a  of 8 in the IU group.   In the group of IOU 72 patients, the
            standard open technique or a Veress needle. Access to the  surgical decision making was changed after different tumor
                                                               findings. This variable we are included the patients when this
            abdominal cavity was obtained by three 10 or 11 mm trocars  variable was included in the study by the authors. Data of
            (umbilical and left and right subcostal). Laparoscopic  irresectability is not included here, but could also be here in
            examination was complete if anterior and posterior surfaces of  terms of modification in decision making and surgical plan
            the right and left hepatic lobes, the gastrohepatic omentum,  changed. It would increase the numbers of patients and it has a
            porta hepatis, pelvis, and peritoneal cavity were well-visualized.  clear diagnostic impact in the clinical setting.
            If feasible, adhesions were taken down laparoscopically. 6,7
                                                               SURGICAL TIME
            IOU OR LIOU                                        This variable was address in only 2 papers, one of this compare
                                                               IOU time with LIOU. In this comparison time consuming of
            Although IOU had the highest sensitivity for the detection of  LIOU was just 30 minutes prolonged conventional laparotomy.
            HCC lesions, it could not visualize all of the primary tumors in  Other paper does not compare but give us their time in LIOU
            14 cases (2.6%) in Dr Zhang study of 430 cases. The non-  which is 58 ± 19 minutes. 6

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