Page 46 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Laparoscopic versus Open Mesh (Lichtenstein) Repair of Inguinal Hernia: Current Status from Literature Review

                       Table 1: Summary of results of the various studies reviewed: Laparoscopic versus open mesh hernia repair
                                    (TAPP = Total abdominal;l preperitoneal repair OM = Open mesh repair )
                                 MRC              NEUMAYAR          WELLWOOD          DOUEK        PAGANINI
                                 1999              et al 2004        et al 1998      et al 2003    et al 1997
            Parameter       TAPP      OM       TAPP      OM        TAPP    OM       TAPP   OM      TAPP    OM
            Duration of OPS  Longer   Shorter  Longer    Shorter   Longer  Shorter  Longer  Shorter  Longer  Shorter
            Anesthesia      GA        LA       GA        LA        GA      LA       GA     LA      GA      LA
            Times of discharge  Early  Same    Early     Same      Early   Same     Early  Same    Early   Same
                                      days               days              days            day             day
            Intraoperative  Serious   Minor              Serious   Less    Present  Less

            Postoperative   Less      More     Less      More      Less    More     Equal  Equal   Less    More
            Time of resumption  Earlier  Early  Earlier  Early     Earlier  Early
            of duties
            Cost effective  More      Less     More      Less      More    Less     More   Less
                            expensive  expensive
            Quality of life  Happy    Happy    Happy     Happy     Happy   Better   OK
            Recurrence rate  Recurr   No recure  More 10.10% Less 4.9%  More  Less
            Chronic pain    Less      More     Less      More      Less    More     Less   More    Less    More

            REFERENCES                                           5. Douek M, Smith G, Oshowo A, Stoker Dl, Wellwood JM.
                                                                    Prospective randomized controlled trial of Laparoscopic versus
             1. MRC Laparoscopic Groin Hernia Trial Group. Laparoscopy  open inguinal hernia mesh repair: Five years follow-up. BMJ
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             2. Neumayer L, Giobbie-Hurder A , Jonasson O, et al. Open mesh  clinical study of Laparoscopic versus open tension –free ingunial
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                Med 2004;350:1819-27.                            7. Grant AM. Laparoscopic versus open groin repair: Meta-
             3. Wellwood J, Sculpher MJ Stoker D, et al. Randomized controlled  analysis of randomized trials based on individual patent data.
                trial of laparoscopic versus open mesh repair for inguinal hernia:  the Eu Hernia colibrate. Hernia 2002;6:2-10.
                Outcome and cost BMJ 1998;317:103-10.            8. Eu Hernia trial list collaboration. Laparoscopic compared with
             4. Lawerence K, McWhinnie D, Godwin A, et al. An economic  open methods of groin hernia: Systematic review of randomized
                evaluation of Laparoscopic versus open inguinal hernia repair. J  control trials BJ Surge 2000;87:860-67.
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            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2009;2(3):53-55                         55
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