Page 19 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 19

Sweta Tiwari

            DISCUSSION                                         of this study show that the operative outcomes, including
            SILS has gained lot of attention around the world. Several  operative time, hospital stay, and EBL, in the SPA-LAVH
            controlled trials have been conducted; some are in favor of  group were comparable to those of the conventional LAVH
            SILS. The goal of this review was to ascertain that if the  group. In addition, pain after surgery was lower in the SPA
            SILS is superior to multiple incisions, and if so what are the  group than in the conventional group. The SPA technique
            benefits and how it could be instituted more widely. There  has been improved and might be adequate for gynecologic
            is also diversity in the quality of the randomized controlled  surgery. 13-16
            trials.  The main variable in these trials are following  In another study, Takahiro Koyanagi et al compared
            parameters:                                        outcomes of single-incision LAVH vs conventional multiport
            •  Number of patients in trial                     LAVH. The mean operative time was 76 ± 15.5  vs
            •  Withdrawal of cases                             71.4 ± 21.7 min (P = 0.57).  The mean weight of resected
            •  Exclusion of cases                              uterus was 366.3 ± 144 vs  354 ± 95.5 gm (P = 0.85). BMI
            •  Blinding                                        was  23.3 ± 2.75 vs  22.2 ± 3.76 kg/m  (P = 0.52).  No
            •  Intention to treat analysis                     significant difference was observed between single-incision
            •  Publication biases                              and conventional LAVH.  They concluded that single-incision
            •  Local practice variation                        LAVH can be undertaken safely and with similar operative
            •  Prophylaxis antibiotic used                     results to conventional multiport LAVH. They considered it
            •  Follow-up failure.
                                                               a promising alternative method for the treatment of some
               Without proper attention to the detail of all the parameters  patients with uterine myomas as incision-free gynecological
            it is very difficult to draw a conclusion.  It has been found  operation.
            among the gynecologist that there is a hidden competition  Erica R Podolsky et al went for a 24 months follow-up
            between the gynecologist performing SILS and the surgeons  of novel laparoscopic approach utilizing standard
            who are still doing multiple incision surgery, and this  instrumentation.  They demonstrated that SPA surgery is
            competition influences the result of study.  One should  an alternative to multiport procedures with proposed initial
            always think of SILS and multiple incision laparoscopic  benefits of decreased number of incisions and improved
            hysterectomy as being complimentary to each other.   cosmesis for the patient. Long-term prospective randomized
               A successful outcome requires greater skills from the
            operator.  The result of many comparative studies have  large case series will be necessary to assess pain, recovery,
            shown that outcome of SILS was influenced by the   and hernia formation proving advantages, if any, over
            experience and technique of the operator. SILS requires  multiport laparoscopy. Another retrospective study showed
            different skills and technological knowledge. Gynecologist  an improved pain benefit.
            should perform the procedure with which they are more  The results of the study of Yong Wook Jung et al
            comfortable.                                       revealed that for SILS median operative time was 100 min
               In a study, done by Tae-Joong Kim et al, a retrospective  (57-155 min), median blood loss was 100 ml (10-400 ml),
            case-control study comparing 43 SPA-LAVHs (cases) and  median postoperative hospital stay was 3 days (2-6 days),
            43 conventional LAVHs (controls). SPA was associated  and there were no operative complications including
            with reduced postoperative pain. VAS-based pain scores  transfusion.  VAS scoring of operative pain at 6, 24, and
            24 hours (SPA, 2.5 ± 0.7; conventional, 3.5 ± 0.8; p\0.01)  48 hours after surgery was 4, 3, and 2, respectively.
            and 36 hours (SPA, 1.7 ± 1.2; conventional, 2.9 ± 1.1;  Although there was a case that required a conversion to
            p\0.01) after surgery were lower for the SPA group.  two-port TLH, they performed 29 cases of hysterectomy
            However, the pain scores 12 hours after surgeries were not  without any operative complications using the single-port
            different between the groups. They concluded that SPA-  approach. In terms of surgical outcomes and operative
            LAVH has comparable operative outcomes to conventional  complications including pain scores, their data were
            LAVH and the postoperative pain was decreased significantly  comparable to those of other investigators who evaluated
            in the SPA group 24 and 36 hours after surgery. The results  the feasibility of TLH using three or four ports.

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