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             REVIEW ARTICLE              Diagnostic and Therapeutic Management of Impalpable Testis in the Era of Laparoscopy

            Diagnostic and Therapeutic Management of

            Impalpable Testis in the Era of Laparoscopy

            Shahid Ahmed Shaikh
            General Surgery, Ex-Consultant General Surgeon, Kuldhuffushi Regional Hospital, Haa Daal Atoll, Republic of Maldives

              Undescended testis is one of the common urogenital abnormality encountered. Annandale was the first person to perform orchidopexy
              in 1877. At present single stage, Stephen-Flower’s staged, procedure is being carried out for impalpable intra-abdominal undescended
              testis with open and laparoscopy techniques with various modifications including testicular autotransplant. Cortesi et al  were the first to
              do diagnostic laparoscopy for cryptorchidism in 1976. Jordan et al  described laparoscopic orchidopexy in 1992. Since then laparoscopic
              method has been gaining popularity, with advances in the field of laparoscopy. In this study, recent articles of impalpable intra-abdominal
              testis were reviewed to see the use of laparoscopy in the diagnosis and management.
              Conclusions: Diagnostic laparoscopy has become the gold standard for the diagnosis of impalpable testis. Laparoscopy for surgical
              correction is gaining popularity in pediatric as well as adult group with more and more surgeons opting for laparoscopic treatment. It can
              also benefit the patient and is logical if both diagnosis and surgical correction are combined at one time. 3
              Keywords: Laparoscopy, impalpable, orchidopexy, high, cryptorchidism, impalpable, undescended, testis.

            This condition has been first described by Hunter in 1786.
            The prevalence of imperfect descent of one or both the
            testis in boys at 1 year of age is 1%, in full-term male infants
            it is 3%, and in premature male neonates it is 33% at birth.
            Spontaneous descent is possible until 6 months of age
            (Fig. 1).  Nonpalpable testis account for approximately 20%
            of the undescended testis. 4
               The aim of the surgery is to mobilize the testis to its
            normal position. There is a need for reposition the testis
            early into the scrotum to reduce the risk of infertility but
            the subject is still controversial.  The incidence of testicular
            cancer in males with undescended testis is 40 times more
            that those without undescended testis.  Ten percent of            Fig. 1: Sites of ectopic testis
            testicular cancer patients are those with undescended
            testis. 9,10
               There is still a lot of controversy regarding the method  •  The use of laparoscopy as a diagnostic tool
            to be adopted for the mobilization of the testis (single stage  •  Know the benefits of using laparoscopy in this surgery
            or two stage Flower-Stephen, autotransplant) and the results  •  The outcome of the surgery with the use of laparoscopy
            of the various authors vary accordingly. But as our aim in
            this study, was to know about the use of laparoscopy in  •  The opinion of the surgeon about the use of laparoscopy
            this procedure, and its benefits from the articles. We strictly  in impalpable testis.
            adhered to this protocol by not commenting on the surgical
            technique.                                         MATERIALS AND METHODS

            AIMS AND OBJECTIVES                                A systematic review of the literature was conducted using
            •   Review the recent articles to check the use and efficacy  search engine, PubMed, google and highwire. All the recent
               of laparoscopy in the diagnosis and management of  articles were collected which have done laparoscopic surgery
               impalpable testis                               for impalpable intra-abdominal testis irrespective of the age

            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2010;3(2):75-79                                 75
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