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Diagnostic and Therapeutic Management of Impalpable Testis in the Era of Laparoscopy

            S   Author                        + Diagnostic/  ++ No of  Results  Comment on use of laparoscopy by the
            no.                               Therapeutic  patients            author
             11. Ishida K, Harada Y, et al 21  TD         28(32)    ***        Author states that laparoscopy can be safely
              X                                                                performed to assess the location of the non-
                                                                               palpable testes
             12. Lintula H, Kokki, et al 22   TD          35        Very good  Author states “Although marginally longer in
             XX                                                                duration primary LO appears to be feasible
                                                                               and safe technique”
             13. Denes FT, Saito FJ, et al 23  TD         90        Very good  Author concludes “Laparoscopic orchiopexy
                                                                               presents excellent results in terms of
                                                                               diagnosis and therapy of the impalpable
             14. Kaye JD, Palmer LS 24        TD          21(42)    Excellent  Author concludes that bilateral intra-
                                                                               abdominal testes, single setting bilateral LO
                                                                               can be performed safely on an outpatient
                                                                               basis with a high degree of success
             15. Agarwal A, Joshi M, Mishra P, et al 25  TD  13(17)  Excellent  Author states “There were no complication of
                                                                               related to laparoscopy
             16. Lindgren BW, Darby EC, et al 3  TD       36(44)    Excellent  Author states “The low incidence of
                                                                               complications and 93% success rate
                                                                               underscore the feasibility of this procedure”
             17. Burjonrappa SC, Al Hazmi, et al 26  TD   15(17)    Excellent  Author concluded “Two stage laparoscopic
                                                                               orchidopexy is a fairly easy surgical
                                                                               procedure with minimum morbidity”
            X Mainly diagnostic laparoscopy done with orchidectomy for atropic testis
            XX Comparative studies done between open and lap orchidopexy
            *** Diagnosis was accurate
            ** Could not be diagnosed
            +  T only therapeutic, TD for both therapeutic and diagnostic
            ++  (x) indicates the number of testicles

            unpalpable intra-abdominal testis and some consider it as a  making during the laparoscopy, according to the position
            gold standard. Therapeutic procedure also gives excellent  of the impalpable testis and in the relation of the spermatic
            results with different approaches, but it does require  vessels and vas deferens to the internal ring, with a
            laparoscopic skills, and every surgeon has his own learning  management protocol based on this classification. In this
            curve.                                             Type I: no testis visualized; Type II: testis seen at the internal
               The study conducted by Desireddi NV et al have found  ring with the vas and vessels looping to the internal ring;
            that the overall accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging  Type III: testis at the ring, with vas and vessels going to the
            alone and magnetic resonance arteriography/venography  testis directly; and Type IV: intra-abdominal testis not related
            for identifying a viable testis or testicular nubbin was 62%  to the internal ring. This will help to plan the procedure.
                                                                  The accuracy of diagnostic laparoscopy is the best when
            and 57%, respectively. The accuracy of magnetic resonance  compared with the results of the above studies. Thus it can
            imaging and magnetic resonance arteriography/venography  be stated that diagnostic laparoscopy is the best modality
            for identifying a viable testis was 74% and 67%, respectively.  available for the diagnosis of nonpalpable testis and planning
               Another study by Khalid Ismail et al found the overall  the operative procedure.
            diagnostic agreement of ultrasonography with laparoscopy  In the series where comparative study of laparoscopic
            was 21.3%.                                         orchidopexy vs open orchidopexy were carried out by two
               In another series conducted by Onal  have found that  different authors Abolyosr A  and Lintula et al.  The first
            the incidence of a contralateral patent process vaginalis is  author had fairly similar results with both LO and OO, but
            considerable in patients presenting with a unilateral  he agrees that the morbidity was significantly less with LO.
            nonpalpable testis and this can be easily recognized during  In the series of Lintula H there was no difference in the
            laparoscopy, which is an additional benefit of using  length of hospital stay between the LO and OO group the
            laparoscopy.                                       author feels LO is a safe feasible technique and in staged
               One study conducted by Hay SA et al,  has done  Flower-Stephen LO is more safe than primary LO in cases
            laparoscopic classification of testis to facilitate decision  with high intra-abdominal testis.

            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2010;3(2):75-79                                 77
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