Page 15 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 15

Sweta Tiwari

                                                               CHALLENGES OF SILS
                                                               It must be remembered that with in-line viewing, a move of
                                                               the camera often results in an inadvertent move of an
                                                               adjacent instrument. This can increase difficulty in
                                                               performing relatively simple tasks that require looking at
                                                               two sides of a structure. Put simply, the multiple instruments
                                                               and laparoscopes required for a procedure are competing
                                                               for the same space at the fulcrum of the entry port, causing
                                                               hand collisions externally and difficulty with instrument tip
                                                               manipulation internally. Instruments of differing lengths can
                                                               ameliorate some of this, but some learning on the part of
                                                               the surgeon still is required.
                                                                  The major disadvantage of the single-port surgery is
                                                               limitation of movement due to the proximity of the
                                                               instruments to each other during operation. Suturing the
                             Fig. 1: Scarless SILS
                                                               vaginal cuff laparoscopically using a single-port is especially
                                                               complex due to the clashing of instruments.


                                                               The aim of this study was to compare between multiple
                                                               incision and single incision laparoscopic hysterectomy. The
                                                               following parameters were evaluated for both multiple
                                                               incision and single incision laparoscopic hysterectomy.
                                                               •  Method of patient selection
                                                               •  Operative technique
                                                               •  Operating time
                                                               •  Intraoperative and postoperative complications
                                                               •  Postoperative pain
                                                               •  Postoperative recovery
                                                               •  Cost-effectiveness
                                                               •  Learning curve
                             Fig. 2: Scar of LAVH              •  QOL analysis
                                                               •  Patient acceptance.
            of abdominal wall. For the purpose of preventing this injury,  MATERIALS AND METHODS
            several methods have been recommended, such as
            identifying vessels before trocar insertion using  A literature review was performed using Springer link,
            transillumination, trocar insertion in areas with low-risk of  Highwire Press, BMJ, Journal of MAS and major general
            vessel injury, and direct visual examination of the trocar  search engines like Google, MSN, and Yahoo, etc. The
            insertion sites after trocar removal.  In SPLS, an ancillary  search terms were used for multiple incisions and single
            port does not need to be placed on the abdomen. Therefore,  incision laparoscopic hysterectomy. Citations found in
            epigastric vessel injury might be reduced. Second, the single-  selected papers were screened for further references. Criteria
            port approach through the umbilicus might offer better  for selection of literature were the number of cases (excluded
            cosmetic results in our subjective opinion.        if less than 20), methods of analysis (statistical or non-
               A 1.2 cm vertical intraumbilical skin incision caused  statistical), operative procedure (only universally accepted
            little scarring. Third, using SPLS seems to reduce the  procedures were selected) and the institution where the
            postoperative pain that results from skin incisions and  study was done (specialized institution for laparoscopy were
            penetrating muscles and fascia with assistant trocars.  given more preference).

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