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Recent Advances in Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: Journey from Multiple Incision to Single Incision Hysterectomy

            The specialized instruments used in SILS are available with
            following configuration:
            •  SILS device from Covidien
            •  Gel Point system from applied medical
            •  R-Port and TriPort from advanced surgical concepts
            •  Uni-X from Pnavel.

            Hand Instruments for SILS comes in Two

            •  Standard laparoscopic instruments
            •  Articulating instruments.

                                                                               Fig. 3: SILS incision line
            The operative procedures were not different between the
            two groups with the exception of port placement. For  The ovarian ligaments, round ligament, and broad
            multiple incision laparoscopy three ports (one 12 mm trocar  ligament were dissected (Fig. 10).
                                                                  The adnexal structure and ligaments were dissected
            in the infraumbilicus and two 5 mm trocars in lateral  bilaterally.
            abdominal walls) were used. The patient was placed in the  The vaginal approach was started and at the end SILS
            dorsal lithotomy position. A uterine manipulator was inserted  port wound should be closed (Fig. 11).
            to effectively make a surgical field. A 2.0 cm vertical or
            Ω shaped incision was made within the umbilicus (Fig. 3).  POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT
               A small wound retractor was inserted into the wound  In most of the studies, patients were permitted sips of water
            opening transumbilically (Figs 4A and B).          starting 6 hours after surgery. A clear liquid diet was offered
               Once the wound retractor was fixed in the opening site,  as the first meal after passing flatus. The next meal was a
            it laterally retracted the sides of the wound opening, thus  soft diet and then patients were offered a general diet. If
            making the small incision into a wider, rounder opening.  pain control was needed, 30 mg ketorolac was administered
               A 5 mm rigid laparoscope and an articulating instrument  intravenously. Intravenous catheters were removed when
            (Roticulator, Covidien, Norwalk, CT, USA) to avoid clashing  patients could tolerate a general diet. Urinary Foley catheters
            of the instruments and to optimize the range of motion  were removed on the morning of postoperative day 1 and
            (Figs 5 to 9).                                     patients were encouraged for that.

                           Fig. 4A: Access technique                           Fig. 4B: 22 mm incision
            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2010;3(2):67-74                                 69
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