Page 23 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 23

Shahid Ahmed Shaikh

            of the patient and the type of operation done by laparoscope  and poor, success in this surgery is defined as no testicular
            (i.e. single or two stage Stephen and Flower or autotransplant  atropy and intrascrotal position (Table 1).
            of testicle). We also examined the results of the procedures
            performed. We also selected articles where diagnostic       > 90%               Excellent
            laparoscopy was done for undescended testis to see if it is  80-90%             Very good
            superior to ultrasound, and MRI. We have selected articles  70-80%              Good
            from various hospitals around the world where operations    60-70%              Average
            have been done by general surgeon, pediatric surgeon and    < 60%               Poor
            specialist pediatric urologist. This was done to know the  And for diagnosis we have mentioned (***) if the
            popularity of laparoscopy among different specialist  diagnosis was accurate and (**) if diagnosis could not be
            surgeons around the world, and also to see if they have  made. We have mentioned as (***) for all the cases where
            recommended for using laparoscopy for diagnosis and  the therapeutic procedure was done as it is logical that
            management for impalpable abdominal testis.        diagnostic laparoscopy will be done before therapeutic
                                                               procedure is carried out.
            We arbitrarily classified the results of surgery from the  All the literature which we have reviewed suggests that
            articles we reviewed as excellent, very good, good, average,  laparoscopy is the best method for the diagnosis of

                                        Table 1: Results of laparoscopic surgery for impalpable testis
            S   Author                        + Diagnostic/  ++ No of  Results  Comment on use of laparoscopy by the
            no.                               Therapeutic  patients            author
             1. Battaglino F, Pesce C, et al 11  TD       74(86)    Excellent***  Author advocates the use of laparoscopy in
                                                                               all patients with nonpalpable testis
             2. Chang B, Palmer, et al 12     TD          80(101)   Excellent***  Author states “LO is an effective method for
                                                                               managing intra-abdominal testis”
             3. Argos Rodriguez MD, et al 13  TD          46(53)    Excellent***  Author concludes “Laparoscopy is the only
                                                                               exploratory procedure that is accurate
                                                                               enough to enable the diagnosis of
                                                                               nonpalpable testis and allow the surgical
                                                                               setting to be done in the same setting”
             4. Samadi AA, Palmer LS, et al 14  TD        173(203)  Excellent***  Author states “LO has become the standard
                                                                               for diagnosis and treatment”
             5. Radmayr C, Oswald J, et al 15  TD         84(108)   Excellent***  Author states “The laparoscopic approach
                                                                               allows not only the diagnosis, but also
                                                                               therapy regardless of the procedure carried
                                                                               out for orchiopexy”
             6. Bittencourt DG, Mirinda, et al 16  TD     51(75)    Very good*** The author concludes “ Videolaparoscopy is
                                                                               a safe and effective method for diagnosis and
                                                                               treatment of nonpalpable testis”
             7. Leung MW, Choas NS, et al 17  TD          18(18)    Excellent***  The author states “LMTV is a safe and
                                                                               efficient adjunctive step in orchidopexy for
                                                                               impalpable or redo undescended testes”
             8. Corvin S, Sturm W, et al 18   TD          8(8)      Excellent ***  The author concludes “These results
                                                                               demonstrate the suitability of laparoscopy for
                                                                               the treatment of cryptorchidism in the adult
             9. Satar N, Bayazit Y, et al 19  TD          13(21)    Excellent***  The author concludes “Diagnostic
                                                                               laparoscopy is very helpful technique in the
                                                                               diagnosis of impalpable testis especially
                                                                               when ultrasound and CAT scan are not
             10. Abolyosr A 20                TD          82(87)    Excellent***  The author concludes “Although the results
             XX                                                                for both open and laparoscopic are fairly
                                                                               comparable. However laparoscopy provides
                                                                               significantly less morbidity”

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