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Recent Advances in Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: Journey from Multiple Incision to Single Incision Hysterectomy

            General Comparison between SILS Hysterectomy and LAVH

                             Number of       Size of          Number           Length of        Recovery
                             external        external         of visible       hospital         time
                             incisions       incisions        scars            stay

            SILS TM          1 small         About 3/4 inch   Potential for    Same day         2 weeks
            hysterectomy     incision        (slightly smaller  no visible
                             (incision in the  then the diameter  scars
                             belly button)   of a nickel)
            Abdominal        1 large         5 to 7 inches    1 large scar     1 to 2 days      6 to 8 weeks
            (open)           incision                                          sometimes 4
            hysterectomy                                                       days
            Laparoscopic     3 to 4 small    From 1/4 to      3 to 4 small     same day         2 weeks
            hysterectomy     incisions       about 3/4 inch   scars
            Vaginal          0 to 4          0 to 3/4 inch    0 to 4 scars     1 to 3 days      3 to 4 weeks
            hysterectomy/    incision
            assisted vaginal

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            of laparoscopic surgery two decades ago. Days are coming,  of abdominal wall blood vessels in relationship to abdominal
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            emerge as method of choice for laparoscopic hysterectomy.  for the location of anterior abdominal wall blood vessels.
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            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2010;3(2):67-74                                 73
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