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                                                              Role of Robotic Surgery in the Treatment of Mirizzi Syndrome

             Conversion or an open operation allows the use of  danger of injury to biliary structures the more than human
          proprioception or the touch of the surgeon’s hand and is  eye magnification of the operation field and the highly
          generally accepted as a way to improve the safety of any  skilled, refined and controlled movement of the surgical
          operation, especially one in which severe inflammation is  robot is actually what is required to make the difference.
          present. To replicate this, hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery  The drawback of robotic cholecystectomy is the extra time
          for MS has been advocated.  However, MS open surgery is  taken to prepare the patient and docking, however, surgery
          associated with significant short- and long-term morbidity,  once started does not take much time.
          and a difficult operation is not necessarily easier or safer
          when performed open. 10,11  With the recent advanced  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
          preoperative imaging, ERCP, current intraoperative robotic  We wouid like to express our gratitude to Professor
          fluorescence imaging-compatible and sensors; robotics are  Augustine Agbakwuru, Professor Lawal, Dr Eziyi,
          now very relevant and useful in stone disease.      Dr Arowolo, Dr Adewale Adisa and Dr Etonyeaku Chuks
             ERCP is used to make the diagnosis and insert a stent to  Amara (Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital
          alleviate the jaundice and allow planning of an elective  Ile-ife, Osun state, Nigeria). They have been relevant to my
          operation. Stenting usually overcomes the resistance of the  development.
          choledochal sphincter and this simplify and improves the  Our sincere appreciation to Dr Omotoso (CMD Federal
          safety of the operation. If ERCP is to be used as definitive  Medical centre Owo, Ondo state Nigeria) and his entire
          treatment, sophisticated techniques may be needed for these  management team.
          cases, including the use of a ‘mother and baby scope’ and  We are very grateful to Baba Akinseye, Barrister Ade
          electrohydraulic or laser lithotripsy.  Any of these  Akinbosade and Chief Sakara (lgsc Akure, Ondo state,
          sophisticated ERCP techniques would require an endoscopic  Nigeria) for their support and encouragement in pursuit of
          sphincterotomy. Since, the GB is to be removed anyway, it  this training. We would also like to thank Chief Wale
          is preferable to leave the choledochal sphincter intact to  Ogumade, Mr Akintelure, Pastor Arioloye lgsc Okitipupa,
          avoid long-term risk of choledocholithiasis from a colonized  Ondo state, Nigeria for their understanding.
          biliary tract and papillary stenosis.  When it is not possible  This work would not have been possible without the
          to stent the obstruction from below, a percutaneous  inspiration of our Professor Dr RK Mishra, Dr Chowhan
          transhepatic approach could be used. This would be  and also Mr Ranjan. Dr Mishra has broadened my mentality
          relatively straightforward as the hepatic ducts may be dilated  and will continue to be my father in laparoscopy and
          and would be a good strategy in patients unfit for surgery. 14  robotics.
             There is an estimated five-fold risk of GB malignancy  I would like to express my special thanks to my family,
          in MS compared with that in uncomplicated gallstone  my parents, Chief Sam Obonna (iyierioba), my mother,
          disease.  Prasad et al  found 5.3% of patients with MS  Chief Mrs CC Obonna (mmaezi) and all my brothers, sisters
          had GB cancer compared with 1% in non-MS cases, and  and in-laws. I would like to give my special thanks to my
          most were diagnosed on histology after cholecystectomy.  wife Vivian and children Martin, Chummy, Ezinne, Blossom
          If the patient is fit for surgery, the optimal management of  and Wilson whose patience and love enabled me to complete
          MS must be complete removal of the GB with a wedge  this oversea training.
          resection of the liver.  This is most possible in robotic
          surgery with ultrasound dissector because it possesses  REFERENCES
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