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          George Chilaka Obonna, RK Mishra
          Role of Robotic Surgery in the Treatment of

          Mirizzi Syndrome

          George Chilaka Obonna, RK Mishra

          ABSTRACT                                            longstanding cholelithiasis and cholecystitis,  erroneously
                                                              postulating that the extrinsic pressure and inflammation
          Mirizzi syndrome (MS) is a rare complication of cholelithiasis.
          It presents as a spectrum of disease that varies from extrinsic  induced spasm of the common bile duct. The classic
          compression of the common hepatic duct to the presence of a  description of the disease includes four components: (1) A
          cholecystobiliary fistula. This dangerous alteration to anatomy  close parallel course of the cystic duct and the common
          if not recognized preoperatively has the potential to lead to  hepatic duct, (2) an impacted stone in the cystic duct or the
          significant morbidity and billiary injury particularly in the
          laparoscopic era.                                   neck of the gallbladder (GB), (3) common hepatic duct
                                                              obstruction secondary to external compression by cystic duct
          Aim: To study the role of robotic surgery in the treatment of MS
          having in mind the various types of the syndrome.   stone (and the surrounding inflammation), (4) jaundice with
                                                              or without cholangitis.
          Methods:Literature review from HighWire press, PubMed,  Mirizzi syndrome (MS) is a rare complication of
          Medline, goggle, SpringerLink, Wikipedia relevant documents,
          templates, forms, E-books and Cochrane database was  cholelithiasis with an estimated incidence of 0.05 to 2.7%
          conducted. Analysis of other publications and journals from  and approximately 0.35% of cholecystectomies.  The main
          robotic surgical institute was done, including live robotic surgery  classifications of MS are by Csendes, Nagakawa and Sherry.
          and robotic clinical videos.                                       5
                                                                 In the Csendes  classification:
          Results: When a preoperative diagnosis is made through  Type 1: Those with external compression of the common
          endoscopic stent insertion via endoscopic retrograde  hepatic duct by stone impacted in the cystic duct.
          cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with computed tomographic
          (CT) scan or intraoperative exploration and assessment with  Type 2: Cholecystocholedochal fistula is present with
          ultrasonography establishes Mirizzi types 1 or 2, the current  erosion of less than one-third of the circumference of the
          robotic surgical system offers an effective treatment of the  common hepatic duct.
          syndrome. With the ultra high magnification of the surgical field  Type 3: Fistula involves up to two-thirds of the duct
          and the endowristed 7 degrees of refined movement together  circumference.
          with an enhanced clinical capability and integration of
          electrosurgical device, detailed and careful cholecystectomy and  Type 4: there is complete destruction of the common
          even primary closure of common hepatic duct fistula can be  hepatic duct.
          perfected.                                             Types 3 and 4 by Nagokawa defined type 3 as hepatic
          Conclusion: Combined endoscopic and robotic surgery is  duct stenosis due to a stone at the confluence of the hepatic
          effective and safe in the treatment of MS types 1 and 2. Definitely  cystic ducts and type 4 as hepatic duct stenosis as a
          robotics has a role to play in the treatment of MS. During  complication of cholecystitis in the absence of calculi
          cholecystectomy, partial resection is possible in order to extract  impacted in the cystic duct or GB neck. 6
          the stones,visualize the bile duct and define the type and location
          of the fistula. T-tube could be placed distal to the fistula in the  McSherry only talked about extrinsic compression of
          absence of a preoperative stent. However, complete removal  the common hepatic duct (type 1) and presence of
          of the gallbladder is now advocated because of the increased  cholecystobiliary fistula (type 2). 7
          risk of malignancy in stone disease.                   Precise diagnosis may be difficult initially because the
          Keywords: Mirizzi syndrome, Robotic cholecystectomy,  condition may be confused with choledocholithiasis and
          da Vinci, Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.  cholangitis. The classical ultrasound findings are of a

          How to cite this article:  Obonna GC, Mishra RK. Role of  contracted GB, dilated intrahepatic ducts and a normal
          Robotic Surgery in the Treatment of Mirizzi Syndrome. World  common bile duct.
          J Lap Surg 2012;5(2):80-84.                            Although a rare condition, a combination of endoscopic

          Source of support: Nil                              retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and robotic
                                                              surgery will ensure proper treatment of the patient. The role
          Conflict of interest: None declared
                                                              of the current da Vinci surgical system is hereby highlighted
                                                              from its operational intuition.
          It was in 1948, Argentinean surgeon Pablo Luis Mirizzi,  METHODOLOGY
          Professor of surgery in Cordoba first described a syndrome  This author was present in a live da Vinci Si robotic
          of common hepatic duct obstruction in the setting of  cholecystectomy performed by Professor RK Mishra at the
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