Page 22 - Journal of WALS
P. 22

George Chilaka Obonna, RK Mishra

             First, let us look at the capability of the current robot  the current Si model updated da Vinci with all its
          da Vinci. It has a dual console capability which enables  enhancement like fluorescence imaging, lightweight
          two surgeons to work simultaneously in the surgical field.  intelligent camera head, boom compatible vision system,
          3D HD vision with up to 10× magnification offering high  skills stimulator, multifunction energy control, remains
          level of visual acuity and good perception of depth of the  unbeatable in task performance especially for complex
          hepatobilliary complex and carlot’s triangle with no  surgery of MS type 1 and 2.
          obscurity by the liver. The digital zoom and high definition  Operative cholangiography is advocated to improve the
          of the operation field can detect pinpoint fistula better than  safety of cholecystectomy, but an accurate transcystic
          the human eye. This offers an immense view of the Calot’s  cholangiogram will not be possible in MS. A standard
          triangle superior to laparoscopic and open surgery. It thus  technique in open surgery for the difficult laparoscopic
          provides unsurpassed visual clarity for precise visualization  cholecystectomy was the fundus first approach. This can
          of target anatomy or anomaly. Its endowrist instrumentation-  be replicated in laparoscopic surgery by the use of a liver
          a multiuse facility with natural dexterity available in 8 and  retractor and means that exposure does not rely on traction
          5 mm diameter ensures refined movement. The intuitive  on the fundus of the GB.  In MS, the GB is often fibrosed
          motion it provides is best for operation at the Calot’s triangle  and contracted so that fundic traction gives relatively poor
          where avoidance of billiary injury is paramount.  It maintains  exposure of the hepatobiliary triangle. Also once the GB is
          a corresponding eye hand instrument tip alignment allowing  freed from the liver, the obliterated Calot’s triangle can be
          for intuitive instrument control. Surgeons hand movements  more easily evaluated. The highly magnified view combined
          are scaled, filtered and seamlessly translated to the robotic  with its modern technology makes robotic surgery superior
          arms and instrument (Fig. 4). In this type of complex surgery,  in most cases.
          with robotics there is perfect alignment between visual and
          motor axis thus preventing injury to the billiary system.
             The ergonomic settings are well-customized with a
          surgeons touch pad offering comprehensive control of video,
          audio and system settings, unique user profile providing
          automatic recall for future cases (Fig. 5). A wide touch
          screen with telestration capability facilitates team
          communication with improved visualization of anatomy and
          instruments entering from the periphery. The integration
          with electrosurgical devices enables a bloodless surgery.
          The cross-quadrant access means that there are extended
          reach instruments offering improved arm range of
          movements. The implication is that in the same sitting the
          surgeon can conveniently cover all quadrants of the
          abdomen unlike in conventional laparoscopic setting. Thus,       Fig. 4: da Vinci surgical robot

                 Fig. 3: Portposition in robotic cholecystectomy             Fig. 5: Robotic console
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