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           CASE REPORT                                Tack Sinus: A New Complication of Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair
          Tack Sinus: A New Complication of Laparoscopic

          Ventral Hernia Repair

          Bharati Vishwanath Hiremath, Bharathi Rajasridhar, Gotam Pipara

          ABSTRACT                                            reported so far in literature, i.e. migration of tacks through
                                                              the anterior abdominal wall forming multiple sinuses which
          In this era of laparoscopic surgery, laparoscopic repair of ventral
          hernia is gaining popularity due to faster recovery, shorter  henceforth may be referred to as ‘tack sinus’.
          hospital stay and lower recurrence rates. In obese patients it is
          a technically easier procedure than open repair. However, this  CASE REPORT
          new method requires advanced technologies. Transfacial
          sutures and tacks are the usual methods to fix the mesh to the  A 50-year-old diabetic lady, underwent elective
          anterior abdominal wall. These methods, however, have their  laparoscopic paraumbilical mesh hernia repair on 25.06.10
          own complications. This article is to report an unusual
          complication of tacks migrating and trying to extrude out of  under general anesthesia. Two ports were used. One
          anterior abdominal wall, forming chronic sinuses.   10 mm port at Palmar’s point and a 5 mm port placed
          Keywords: Laparoscopy, Tack, Sinus.                 laterally in the left flank. All adhesions were released.
                                                              Dual mesh was introduced through the 10 mm port. This
          How to cite this article: Hiremath BV, Rajasridhar B, Pipara G.  mesh was sized to lie 3 cm beyond the size of the defect. It
          Tack Sinus: A New Complication of Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia
          Repair. World J Lap Surg 2012;5(2):105-107.         was fixed with prolene transfacial sutures at all the four
                                                              corners and in the center at the site of the defect. The fixation
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              was further enforced by using tacks (nonabsorbabale
          Conflict of interest: None declared                 helical titanium) at the periphery and around the defect
                                                              (DC method). Total number of 15 tacks were used.
          INTRODUCTION                                        Postoperative recovery of the patient was uneventful and
          Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair (LVHR) has gained  patient was discharged on 2nd day postoperative. Port site
          popularity over the recent years ever since introduced by  sutures were removed on 8th day.
          Karl Leblanc in 1992. It has a number of advantages over  She presented 8 weeks later with two discharing sinuses
          traditional open hernia repair.  It continues to gain  on the anterior abdominal wall in the infraumbilical region.
          popularity because of its low rates of complications and  The serous discharge and scrapings from these sinuses was
          hernia recurrence and short hospital stay and short recovery  thoroughly investigated by culture sensitivity of the
          times. There are various methods of mesh fixation.  discharge for routine and tuberculous culture and sensitivity.
          Currently, two methods of mesh fixation are commonly  acid-fast bacillus (AFB) staining of the discharge showed
          employed. One involves placement of both transabdominal  no tuberculous bacilli. There was no growth seen in either
          sutures (TAS), either absorbable or nonabsorbable, and  of the cultures. Patient was treated with regular curettage
          tacks; the other entails insertion of two circles of tacks  and dressings. Patient was, however, lost to follow-up.
          without TAS [the double-crown (DC) technique].  3      This patient presented to us again in the month of
          Numerous studies have proven that transfacial sutures are  October 2011. At this visit she had four discharging sinuses
          a must for fixing the mesh in terms of strength while the  in the infraumbilical region. This time too the discharge
          tacks provide extra reinforcement. However, fixing with  was serous in nature. Induration was felt at the site of the
          transfacial sutures takes a longer time  and is a more tedious  discharging sinuses. A soft tissue scan of the anterior
          process. Tacks are used in laparoscopic ventral hernia repair  abdominal wall showed these sinus tracts extending up to
          to decrease the operative time and the number of    the fascia only. The lower two of these sinuses were multi-
          subcutaneous prolene knots of the transfacial sutures are  truncated. An exploration and excision of these sinuses was
          used. Moreover, the ease of their application makes their  planned.
          use even more appealing.                               Intraoperatively, it was seen that these sinuses were
             However, usage of tacks has its own disadvantages and  formed of very thick fibrous tissue. To our surprise two of
          complications. Besides being expensive, various     these sinus tracks had the spiral tacks in them above the
          complications have been reported like tack site pain,  tack  level of fascia. These tacks had dragged the mesh along
          hernia,  recurrence of hernia  and seroma formation. This  with them. A few millimeter length of the mesh was
          is a case report of a new complication that has not been  protruding in each of these two sinuses. However, the mesh
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2012;5(2):105-107                              105
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