Page 18 - Journal of WALS
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Galal MM Abou El-Nagah

           Table 2: Relation between method of preperitoneal insufflations  operative duration, controversial benefits and the need for
                     and operative time in the first group    general anesthesia due to the perceived risk of adverse
           Instrument                  Mean operative   p     effects of pneumoperitoneum, which is thought not to be
             used                          time
                                                              well-tolerated by a patient who is awake during the
           Veress needle   88 (65%)        39.4        0.79   procedure. While the traditional open mesh repair requires
           Trochar 5 mm    49 (35%)        36.2
                                                              average surgical skills and the delivery of local or regional
           Total           137 (100%)      30.2
                                                              anesthetics in most of the cases.
                                                                 It is now accepted widely that bilateral inguinal hernia
             The repair of inguinal hernias no longer involves just  repair and recurrences are indications for TAPP repair, with
          the sewing together of a defect in the musculature. Several  clear benefits for the patient in terms of less postoperative
          approaches, which hernia surgeons must be familiar with,  pain and shorter work absence. 10
          have been used for repair of groin hernias and have included  Laparoscopic techniques for the repair of inguinal
          tissue repairs (later termed ‘tension’ repairs), as well as mesh  hernias have become an increasingly popular alternative to
          or tension-free repairs and laparoscopy. Although each of  open techniques.  There is good evidence that laparoscopic
          these repairs boasts its successes, there are advantages and  repair of a groin hernia is associated with excellent results
          disadvantages to each approach.                     when performed by expert surgeons. No clear consensus
             Tension-free repairs are considered as a milestone in  has emerged as to the best laparoscopic technique. 11
          the evolution of the hernia repair surgeries. The use of mesh  When faced with an unforeseen anomaly during TEP in
          in hernia repairs, however, was not widely accepted for use  which improved abdominal visualization is necessary, a
          until Lichtenstein  coined the term ‘tension-free’ repair. This  surgeon may convert from a TEP to a TAPP approach. 11
          repair uses nonabsorbable sutures and a prosthetic flat mesh  With better equipment and techniques for creation of
          screen to reinforce the canal floor. Since its introduction,  pneumoperitoneum serious complications are now
          this repair has been the most widely performed groin hernia  infrequent. 12
          repair and is used as the standard to which newer techniques  In our novel techniques, the formation of ‘pneumo-
          are compared. In an attempt to improve on the Lichtenstein  peritoneum–like’ state facilitates the dissection of the
          repair, Gilbert  used the internal ring as direct access to the  peritoneum and fascia transversalis off anterior abdominal
          preperitoneal space through an open anterior approach. This  wall under vision so as to reduce complications from
          innovation of accessing the preperitoneal space from an  unpredictable anomalies and in the same time reducing the
          anterior approach led to the development of the Prolene  operative time. Intraoperative and postoperative
          Hernia System mesh. Finally, advancements in laparoscopy  complications are minimal as well as recurrence rate.
          led to the development of laparoscopic inguinal hernia  Patients’ satisfaction is good. The ability of repair recurrent
          repair. Currently, there are multiple tension-free techniques,  hernia and bilateral hernias in less time is another advantage.
          which include the open anterior approach (on-lay    The new technique requires more prospective studies to
          Lichtenstein patch, plug and patch), open posterior approach  assess the postoperative complications, training curve of
          (Stoppa-Rives, Kugel), and the closed posterior approach  the surgeons and its statistical significance.
          (laparoscopic) either TAPP or TEP. 5
             The laparoscopic approach for inguinal hernia repair was  CONCLUSION
          introduced in the 1990s and has since been modified and  Our novel use of a laparoscopic combined TEP approach
          refined. The early descriptions of laparoscopic inguinal  and TAPP approach to repair inguinal hernia is feasible,
          herniorrhaphy were by Ger,  Shultz et al,  Corbitt,  and  save and seems to be easier and time saving than original
          Filipi et al.  Laparoscopic techniques are being used  methods separately.
          increasingly in the repair of ventral hernias and offer the  REFERENCES
          potential benefits of a shorter hospital stay, decreased wound
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