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George Chilaka Obonna, RK Mishra

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              surgeons can learn from pilots. Surgery 2002;132:826-35.  ABOUT THE AUTHORS
           11. Martin IG, Dexter SPL, Marton J, Gibson J, Asker J, Firulo A,
              McMahon MJ. Fundus–first laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Surg  George Chilaka Obonna
              Endosc 1995;9:202-06.                           Consultant Surgeon (Visiting) at FMC, Owo, Director of Okitipupa
           12. Seitz U, Bapaye A, Bohnacker S, Navarrete C, Maydeo A,  District Hospital, Ondo State, Nigeria
              Soehendra N. Advances in therapeutic endoscopic treatment of
              common bile duct stones. World J Surg 1998;22:1133-44.  RK Mishra
           13. Jacobs R, Hartman D, Kudis V, et al. Risk factors for sympto-
              matic stone recurrence after transpapillary laser lithotripsy for  Senior Consultant, Laparoscopic Surgeon, Professor in Minimal
              difficult bile stone using a laser with a stone recognition system.  Access Surgery, Chairman and Director, World Laparoscopic Hospital
              Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2006;18:469-73.     Pvt. Ltd., DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon, Haryana, India

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