Page 10 - Peer Reviewed Laparoscopic Jornal
P. 10

Swapan Kumar Maiti et al

            Fig. 7: Mean ± SE of plasma alanine aminotransferase (U/L)  Fig. 8: Mean + SE of plasma cortisol (mmol/l) recorded in the
                 recorded in the animals of three different groups        animals of three different groups

          16 animals during laparoscopic examination. The low  post-CP periods was in tune with the observation of decrease
          insufflations pressure of CO  might attribute to insufficient  in heart rate and might be as a result of hypercarbia following
          spacing and separation of the abdominal structures from  CP. 16,17  Wandering pacemakers, and atrial premature
          the ventral abdominal wall and led to these complications.  complexes were occasionally seen in this study. Wandering
             Visualization of the abdominal organs started from the  pacemaker a variant of sinus arrhythmia is a shift of
          urinary bladder which was readily and promptly visualized  pacemaker within the SA node and observed even in normal
          by its unique tortuous vasculature over the visceral surface.  dogs.  Atrial premature complexes, AV junction premature
          Identification and visualization of various internal organs  complexes, wandering pacemaker and intermittent sinus
          like liver, spleen and pancreas, kidney, ovary and uterus  arrest seems to a normal variants and might be due to an
          during various laparoscopic surgeries have been     increase in vegal tone in individual dogs on CP. The increase
          reported. 10,11  Evaluation of laparoscopic organ visualization  in amplitude of T-wave was more marked in group C at
          at different CO  pressure gradient revealed marked  60 minutes post-CP, and could be related to the transient
          differences among the three groups. Urinary bladder was  hyperkalemia owing to CP.  Biphasic T-wave and T-wave
          visualized distinctly in all the animals of all three groups  alternant were more marked in animals of group C. Large
          without any significant difference. But visualization of liver  T-wave possibly indicated hyperkalemia and ST depression
          in group C differed significantly from group A. In groups  suggested myocardial ischemia.  The ST intervals did not
          B and C significantly better visualization was observed than  reveal any significant changes throughout the observation
          that was in group A when other organs were evaluated.  in three groups, however, ST elevation (in group A) and ST
                                                              depression (in group C) were observed in some animals
             No significant differences were found between the  during post-CP and were suggestive of myocardial ischemia
          various groups as related to the physiologic parameters  as a result of CP during laparoscopy. 20
          except the respiration rate. Following CP, it was increased  PCV and Hb were unchanged throughout the observation
          in all groups, but it was significant in group C at 60 minutes  period in all groups and remained within the normal range
          after CP. Soon after CO  insufflation, CO  absorbed from  as also reported by Delling et al  24 hours after laparoscopy.
          abdominal cavity led to hypercapnia and hypercarbia which  The mean value of TLC revealed a nonsignificant increase
          might stimulate the respiratory center and as compensation  at 60 and 120 minutes after CP in group C might be due to
          respiration rate was increased.  CP is associated with an  the effect of corticosteroid, released as a stress response of
          increase in plasma potassium concentration,  metabolic  increased IP at higher CO  pressure gradient of group C. In
          acidosis  and hemodynamic changes;  therefore,      this study, significant decrease of pH value was observed
          concomitant changes in electrocardiogram can be logically  at 120 minutes after CP in group C might be due to
          speculated. Although the initial heart rate ranged widely  hypercapnia developed as a result of increased absorption
          among the animals of three groups, it markedly decreased  of CO  in blood from peritoneal cavity.  Significant increase
          during post-CP period, which could be attributed to  of pCO  in post-CP period in all the three groups might be
          parasympathetic effect on vagus nerve owing to increased  due to compensate the respiratory acidosis developed as a
          intra-abdominal pressure.  Increase in R-R interval during  result of hypercarbia.
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