Page 14 - Peer Reviewed Laparoscopic Jornal
P. 14

Nuzhat Amer et al

             Specimen can be retrieved through vaginal route by  Morcellator is not acceptable in cases where suspicion
          colpotomy. It was first documented over a 100 years ago  of infection or malignancy is there. Morcellated tissue may
          but was not used much due to technical difficulties, poor  disturb the pathological findings on histopathology in cases
          exposure and increased risk of infection. 5         of suspected malignancy. 3
             Some surgeons prefer to use plastic bag for drainage  Large diameter morcellator remove tissue in less time
          package as endobag as it minimizes the tearing effect as in  but is associated with incisional hernia formation.  This
          glove finger bag (Figs 3A and B). 7                 complication can be avoided by port closure with sutures.
             Transvaginal route has been popular again for last few  Now morcellator with diathermy instead of blade are also
          years. Removal of the intact specimen through colpotomy  available.  Since, morcellator decrease the operative time
          is more important.                                  so the risk of port site herniation decreases due to decreased
             Colpotomy is generally safe and easily learnt technique.  manipulation. 1
          To minimize the risk of spillage, endoscopic bags can be  During morcellator use, caution must be taken as there
          used during removal of tissue under direct vision but,  is risk of inadvertent injury to the normal tissue. This can
          whenever incision is given in the posterior vagina,  be avoided by bringing specimen toward the morcellator
          (colpotomy) pneumoperitoneum greatly affected. 8    rather moving the morcellator toward specimen.
             To maintain the pneumoperitoneum, counter pushing   Natural orifice, transluminal endoscopic surgery
          by other instrument inside the vagina is effective. 1  (NOTES) is another advancement of minimally invasive
                                                              intra-abdominal surgery in which peritoneal cavity is
             This problem can be overcome by suturing the posterior
          vaginal wall laparoscopically. 8                    approached by incising and traversing the lumen of natural
             Colpotomy may result injury to nearby structures,   Natural orifices, like oral, anal, vaginal and urethral
          bladder or bowel perforation, ureter injury, vaginal wall  routes, have been described but optimal route is still to be
          hematoma. Extra care has to be taken during specimen  determined. Vaginal access has been used for long time due
          removal through vagina as it may tear or lacerate. Risks  to its ease of access and more capacity. Closure of vaginal
          will be more, if patient is nulliparous or morbid obese. 5  wound can be done under direct vision and complication
             Obstetric forceps can be used to extract the specimen  rate is also low. 12
          enclosed in an endobag. It can help to protect the integrity  Vaginal approach is not possible in some situations, like
          of the bag and specimen and minimize the diameter of  fixed retroverted uterus, obliteration of Pouch of Douglas,
          the sac. 9                                          due to endometriosis or previous pelvic inflammatory
             Morcellator is another technique to retrieve the solid  disease. 8
          tissue from abdominal cavity. It is important instrument for  In hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery (HALS), the
          tissue removal in myomectomy and splenectomy.       surgeon can insert a hand through a small incision via
          Morcellator works through sharp cylindrical blade over the  pressurized sleeve. It is a new advancement in MAS. HALS
          specimen and change tissue into small strips (Figs 4A  initially was started for tissue retrieval and surgeons can
          and B). Morcellator do not affect the pneumoperitoneum  use their hand for exploration, isolation and removal of
          during its work. 1                                  tissue (Fig. 5). 1

            A                                                B
                                           Figs 3A and B: Plastic bag used as endobag
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