Page 34 - Laparoscopic Surgery Online Journal
P. 34

Mohammed Khairy Ali et al

          surgeon’s fingers to the tip of the surgical instruments.  DISADVANTAGES OF THE ROBOTIC SURGERY
          Despite all of these technologic advancements that make
                                                              The main disadvantages of robotic surgery applications
          the surgeon nearly autonomous, an assistant is still required
                                                              are the cost, the large size of the robot and console, limited
          for all robot-assisted cases. Their responsibility is mainly
                                                              availability within some health systems, lack of tactile
          instrument exchanges, suction and irrigation, suture
                                                              feedback, the need to train surgeons, and operating room
          introduction and retrieval and additional retraction. 12
                                                              availability on the use of this technology. The costs
                                                              associated with robotic surgery include the cost of the unit
                                                              that can range from 1.4 to 1.6 million dollars and the cost
          Robotic surgery offers several advantages over laparoscopy:
                                                              of instrumentation that has limited its uses. Health systems
          A 3D vision, wristed instrumentation, and comfortable
                                                              need to perform an investment analysis which gives fixed
          positioning for the surgeon while performing surgical
                                                              costs associated with the purchase, high robotic surgical
          procedures. The only currently available surgical robot
                                                              volume is required to improve this calculation. Additional
          employs two magnifying cameras that when used provide
                                                              costs that need to be considered include the time and cost
          3D vision to the surgeon with an available high-definition
                                                              of training surgeons and operating room and increased
          vision system. This enhanced visualization gives the
                                                              operative time associated with operating room setup as
          gynecologist the ability to identify tissue planes, blood
                                                              well as the assembly and disassembly of the robotic system
          vessels and nerves while performing the surgical procedure,
                                                              during the early phase of the training. There is evidence
          also decreased blood loss has been reported in robotic
                                                              that with experience in robotic surgery, the operative time
          surgery. The limited degrees of freedom associated with a                               16
                                                              can become shorter than with laparoscopy.  The bedside
          standard laparoscopic instrument compared with the surgeon
                                                              assistant may experience difficulty in manipulating
          hand decrease the dexterity of the surgeon and his ability to
                                                              laparoscopic instruments through an assistant port because
          perform delicate procedures like difficult dissections, lymph  the robotic arms are moving over the patient abdomen at
          node removal. Wristed instrumentation allows the    the same time. Although robotic instrument exchange can
          gynecologic surgeon to obtain the exact instrument angle  become more efficient compared with laparoscopy but it
          available at laparotomy. This also eliminates the fulcrum  still requires attachment of the robotic instruments to the
          effect that is present with conventional laparoscopy, where  instrument arms before insertion. Another current
          surgeons need to move their hand in the opposite direction  limitation of robotic surgery is the lack of tactile feedback,
          to the certain location of the distal instrument tip.  With  so if there are particular structures that the surgeon desires
          robotic surgery the movements are natural and surgeons  to palpate, they can do by laparoscopy before using the
          move their hands in the direction they want the instruments  robot or ask the bedside assistant to palpate and confirm
          to move. Three degrees are provided by the robotic arms  the location.  Moving the robot to the operating table and
          attached to the abdominal wall trocars (insertion, pitch, yaw),  attaching the robotic arms to the trocars is often a major
          and 4º result from the ‘wristed’ instruments (pitch, yaw,  disadvantage requiring significant time. With practice and
          roll and grip). The terms pitch, roll and yaw are the three  training, this can be performed quickly but in more time
          characteristics that describe the rotations in three dimensions  that require with laparoscopy. Because the operating table
          around the robotic instrument. Pitch is the rotation around  and the robot do not communicate and are not
          the lateral or transverse axis. The yaw is rotation about the  synchronized, once the robotic unit is united, the patient
          vertical axis, and the roll is rotation around the longitudinal  bed cannot be moved in any direction, otherwise, the trocar
          axis. The improved dexterity and control allow for finer,  depth can become incorrectly positioned and abdominal
          more delicate, tremor-free manipulation, dissection, removal  wall as well as visceral trauma could occur. Increased
          or reconstruction of tissue.  Fatigue and physical discomfort  operative time associated with some robotic surgeries
          can become limitations during any surgical procedure.  which may have associated side effects, including
          During laparoscopy, surgeons are often suffering from  anesthetic complications. 18  Finally the size of both the
          difficult technique to complete the surgical procedure  robotic unit and console become a major consideration.
          because they need to reach over the patient’s abdomen to  Depending on current operating room size and availability,
          manipulate the hand controls on the laparoscopic    relocation to a larger operating room may be necessary.
          instruments. With robotic surgery, the surgeon sits  Many of these disadvantages could be improved with
          comfortably at the surgical console and manipulates the hand  further development. Table 1 shows the advantages and
          controls and foot pedals. This may serve to reduce fatigue  disadvantages of conventional laparoscopic surgery vs
          and discomfort during complex surgical procedures. 15  robot surgery.
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