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                                                               Robotic vs Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: Is Robot Superior?
            REVIEW ARTICLE
            Robotic vs Laparoscopic Hysterectomy:
            Is Robot Superior?

            Mokoena Martins Mohosho

            ABSTRACT                                          1st total laparoscopic hysterectomy was performed by Reich
            The objective of this article is to reflect the current stand on  et al in 1988.  Since then, substantial improvements in optic
            robotic vs laparoscopic hysterectomy. There are only few recent  systems and instrumentation have made laparoscopic surgery
            studies comparing robotic with laparoscopic hysterectomy and  a lot more accurate, safer and probably easier to learn. As a
            most are retrospective. Early studies found prolonged operating
            times (e.g. 150.8 vs  114.4 minutes, p = 0.001) for robotic  result of these technical advances during the past two
            assisted than laparoscopic hysterectomy, 1,2  but this appears  decades, complicated procedures like gynecologic cancer
            to have been the result of a lack of experience with this new  surgery, surgery of deep infiltrating endometriosis or
            technology; the learning curve to reduce the robotic surgical time  prolapse surgery today can be performed safely by
            had median  of 29 cases per surgeon. 10  Subsequent studies  7,11,13
            reported operative durations which are comparable to  laparoscopy.
            conventional total laparoscopic hysterectomy, approximately  A surgical robot is a computer-controlled device that
            2 hours. 13,14  A minority of studies have reported that robotic-  can be programmed to aid the positioning and manipulation
            assisted is superior to conventional laparoscopic hysterectomy,
            with reports of shorter operative duration, decreased blood loss,  of surgical instruments. Surgical robotics is typically used
            decreased rate of conversion to laparotomy, decreased use of  in laparoscopy rather than open surgical approaches. Since
            postoperative narcotic analgesia, and shorter hospital stay. 1,2,12  1980s, surgical robots have been developed to address the
            Materials and methods: This involved the review of related  limitations of laparoscopy, including two-dimensional
            articles to robotic vs laparoscopic hysterectomy. The scope of  visualization, incomplete articulation of instruments and
            this review covered Medline, UpToDate, PubMed, Highwire             15
            press, Da Vinci community, Google search engine. 12,13  ergonomic limitations.
            Summary: Recent comparative studies have found that robotic
            and conventional laparoscopic hysterectomy are essentially  Features of Robotic Surgery
            equivalent regarding surgical and clinical outcome. Operating  The most important benefits of robot-assisted over
            times are slightly higher and costs are significantly higher for          12,13
            the robotic hysterectomy.                         conventional laparoscopy are:
                                                              •  Superior visualization: Three-dimensional (3D) vs two-
            Keywords: Robotic hysterectomy, Laparoscopic hysterectomy,
            Hysterectomy, Minimal access surgery, Cost of robotic surgery,  dimensional (2D) imaging from the operative field.
            Robotic vs laparoscopic hysterectomy.             •  Mechanical improvements: A fulcrum effect is created
            How to cite this article: Mohosho MM. Robotic vs Laparoscopic  when rigid conventional instruments pass through the
            Hysterectomy: Is Robot Superior? World J Lap Surg 2013;6(3):  incision, thereby ultimately causing inversion of
                                                                 movement from the surgeon’s hand for the working end
            Source of support: Nil                               of the instrument. When an instrument is introduced in
            Conflict of interest: None declared                  a trocar, the abdominal wall is the fulcrum. Each time a
                                                                 surgeon’s hand moves in one direction, the instrument
            INTRODUCTION                                         moves in the opposite direction. If a patient is obese,
            Despite the presence of multiple nonsurgical alternatives  there is more torque placed on the instrument and the
            for treating uterine disease, hysterectomy continues to be  rigid smaller caliber instruments as of laparoscope, may
            one of the most commonly performed gynecologic       fracture. Robotic instruments are less likely to break,
            procedures. A minimal access approach to hysterectomy,  thus, many surgeons prefer robot-assisted laparoscopy
            which has several benefits over the traditional abdominal  in obese patients. This is because all robotic instruments
            technique, has already established a modest attraction in  are 8 mm wide and attached to the robotic arms, which
            gynecologic surgery. However, its practice and adoption is  often attach to the robotic cannulas (trocars). The force
            currently still limited. Factors that might explain this slow  that the abdominal wall places on each instrument is
            adoption include the learning curve associated with minimal  sustained by the trocar and mechanical robotic arm. The
            access surgery, lack of sufficient resident and fellow training,  robotic laparoscope is 11 mm in diameter and is also
            uneven availability of proper equipment, as well as a low  introduced through a trocar, which is docked on the
            level of physician reimbursement. 3,10,15            robotic scope arm. In contrast, conventional laparoscopy
              Laparoscopic measures in gynecologic surgery have  is performed with 3 or 5 mm instruments which are
            been performed successfully in excess of 20 years now. The  introduced through smaller trocars.
            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2013;6(3):163-166                   163
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