Page 36 - Laparoscopic Surgery Online Journal
P. 36

Mohammed Khairy Ali et al

                                      Table 2: Summary of current applications of robotic surgery
            Orthopedic surgery  Neurosurgery  Gynecology     Cardiothoracic surgery  Urology     General surgery
            •  Hip arthroplasty             Hysterectomies                                       Cholecystectomy
            •  Knee surgery  Radiosurgery   Ovarian         CABG                   Nephrectomy   Gastric bypass
            •  Spine surgery                resection       Mitral valve           Prostatectomy  Adrenalectomy
                                            Tubal            repair                Ureter repair  Bowel resection
                                            reanastomosis                                        Esophagectomy

                                 Table 3: Summary of trials of the operations done by robotic in gynecology
            References Year  Type of  No. of  Type of   Duration of  Blood loss  Hospital stay Complications Conversion to
                           study   patient  operation   the surgery  (CC)   (day)      rate (%)    other method
                                                        (min)                                       (%)
            Magrina,  2008  Pros-  27     Robot-        185       100       1.9        32.5        0
            Kho et al.     pective        assisted
            Estape,  2009  Pros-   32     Robot-        2.4 hours  130      2.6        18.8        0
            Lamrou         pective        assisted
            et al.                        laparoscopic
            Maggioni,  2009  Pros-  40    Robot-        272       78        3.7        32.5        0
            Minig          pective        assisted
            et al.                        laparoscopic
            Seamon,  2009  Retro-  105    Robot-assisted  242     99        1          12.9
            Cohn et al.    spective       laparoscopic
                                          surgery in
            Cardenas- 2010  Retro-  275   Robotic staging  237    109       1.88       0           1
            Goicoechea     spective       of endometrial
            J et al.                      cancer
            Soto E   2011  Retro-  124    Robotic       150.8     131.5     2.2        0            0
            et al.         spective       hysterectomy
            ElSahwi  2012  Retro-  155    Robotic staging  127    119       1.5        1 death     0
            KS et al.      spective       of endometrial
            Madhuri  2012  Pros-   104    Simple and    -         155.24    3          0           0
            TK et al.      pective        radical
            Cardenas- 2013  Retro-  432   Robotic staging  218    187       1.96       0           0
            Goicoechea     spective       of endometrial
            J et al.                      cancer
            Nakib G  2013  Retro-  6      Robotic assisted 117.5  -         -          0           0
            et al.         spective       surgery for

          exciting possibility is expanding the use of preoperative  made a device called SOCRATES that allows surgeons at
          (computed tomography or magnetic resonance) and     remote sites to connect to an operating room and share video
          intraoperative video image to get better guide to the surgeon  and audio, to use a ‘telestrator’ to highlight anatomy, and to
          in dissection and identifying pathology. The nature of robotic  control the AESOP endoscopic camera. Although these
          systems also makes the possibility of long distance  systems have greatly improved dexterity, they should be
          intraoperative consultation or guidance possible and it may  developed with the instrumentation or to be incorporated in
          provide new opportunities for teaching and assessment of  the full range of sensory input. More standard mechanical
          new surgeons. The Zeus robotic surgical system already  tools and more energy directed tools need to be developed. 24
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