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            Our Experience of Open Technique of Creating Pneumoperitoneum through Umbilical Cicatrix from a Remote Health Facility

          technique namely reduced incidences of failed trocar entry  environment of open access technique under vision gives
          and extraperitoneal insufflations. 2                additional confidence to a biginner.
             Traditional Hasson’s technique, although safe especially  The open technique of creating pneumoperitoneum
          in case of reoperative abdomen with adhesions, is time  through the umbilical cicatrix is a safe and rapid technique.
          consuming.  Secondly it is associated with frequent leaks.
          In contrast, open technique by direct trocar entry is faster  REFERENCES
          than the closed counterpart. 4                       1. Merlin TL, Hiller JE, Maddern GJ, Jamieson GG, Brown AR,
             The time taken for creating pneumoperitoneum using   Kolbe A. Systematic review of the safety and effectiveness of
                                                                  methods used to establish pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopic
          our technique is only 85 seconds which is in sharp contrast
                                                                  surgery. Br J Surg 2003;90:668-679.
          with the average time taken for creating pneumoperitoneum  2. Ahmad G, Duffy JM, Phillips K, Watson A. Laparoscopic entry
          using Veress needle technique 214 to 300 seconds. 5-7   techniques. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008 Apr 16;(2):
          Moberg et al who have been using an almost similar      CD006583.
                                                               3. Barwijuk AJ, Jakubiak T, Dziag R. Use of the Hasson technique
          technique since 1998 in 4,400 patients have reported their
                                                                  for creating pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopic surgery, Ginekol
          mean operating time to be 93 seconds.  Although our mean  Pol 2004 Jan;75(1):35-38.
          operating time is 85 seconds, in more than 70% of the  4. Vilos GA, Ternamian A, Dempster J, Laberge PY. Laparoscopic
          patients (n = 110) the time taken fell in the range of 42 to  entry: a review of techniques, technologies, and complications.
                                                                  J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2007 May;29(5):433-465.
          80 seconds with a mean of 78 seconds. More time was
                                                               5. Bernik TR, Trocciola SM, Mayer DA, Patane J, Czura CJ,
          required for the obese patients, increasing the overall mean  Wallack MK. Ballon blunt-tip trocar for laparoscopic chole-
          operating time to 85 seconds.                           cystectomy: improvement over the traditional Hasson and Veress
             The lack of any major vessel or viscus injury in this  needle methods. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 2001;11:73-78.
                                                               6. Borgatta L, Gruss L, Barad D, Kaali SG. Direct trocar insertion
          small group is encouraging and supports the safety of this
                                                                  vs Veress needle use for laparoscopic sterilization. J Reprod
          technique, although it will require a lot more cases to
                                                                  Med 1990;35:891-894.
          elucidate its safety and long-term results. A distinct  7. Cogliandodlo A, Manganaro T, Saitta FP, Micali B: Blind vs
          advantage of this technique is its application in case of  open approach to laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a randomized
          reoperative abdomen where the incision can be widened to  study. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1998;8:353-355.
                                                               8. Moberg AC, Petersson U, Montgomery A. An open access
          insert a finger to do digital palpation of any structure adhered
                                                                  technique to create pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopic surgery.
          to the incision and to do adhesionolysis, if required.  Scandinavian J Surg 2007;96:297-300.
             As mentioned previously, we had two incidences of
          extra-peritoneal insufflations. This was due to port insertion  ABOUT THE AUTHORS
          at a place away from the junction of the umbilicus and the
                                                              Aswini Kumar Misro (Corresponding Author)
          linea alba where the peritoneum tends to remain as a separate
          layer. Hence, the port enters into the extraperitoneal space  Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Lumbini Medical
          leading to extraperitoneal insufflation. Choosing the correct  College and Research Centre, Pravas, Tansen, Palpa, Nepal, Phone:
                                                              097775691344, e-mail:
          site of insertion avoids this problem.
             Especially for the beginners starting laparoscopy, the  Prakash Sapkota
          closed technique of creating pneumoperitoneum requires
                                                              Lecturer, Department of Surgery, Lumbini Medical College and
          some amount of adaptation of motor skills to learn the
                                                              Research Centre, Pravas, Tansen, Palpa, Nepal
          technique of blind first port insertion where as in open
          technique the first port is always under visual and tactile  Radhika Misro
          guidance. Secondly, the air entry before the port insertion
                                                              Medical Officer, Department of Surgery, Lumbini Medical College
          makes sufficient space for safe port entry. The controlled  and Research Centre, Pravas, Tansen, Palpa, Nepal

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2013;6(3):141-143                      143
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