Page 12 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 12

Anburaja Mahalingam et al
          were applied to the spermatic artery-vein plexus by using  values on day 7. A significant increase (p < 0.01) in catalase
          clip applicator. Two ports at paramedian site, either side of  was observed immediately after operation and on 1st and
          inguinal region, 4 to 6 cm lateral to mid-ventral line was  3rd postoperative days in both the groups. Thereafter, the
          found easy for laparoscopic sterilization. In all the animals of  values of catalase enzymes decreased and returned to base
          both groups monopolar coagulation current of 60 W was used  line values on day 7 postoperatively. Values of SOD enzyme
          and found effective for electrocautery as well as coagulation  decreased nonsignificantly (p > 0.05) upto 3rd postoperative
          of the line of cutting of vas deferens. The visualization of  day in both the groups. The values increased on subsequent
          vas deferens was better with trendelenburg position of the  intervals and reached to base values on day 7 postopera-
          animals. All the animals were closely monitored for effective  tively in both the groups. A significant increase (p < 0.05)
          hemostasis before the final withdrawal of telescope.  in reduced glutathione values upto day 1 was observed in
                                                              both the groups. Later on, the values decreased and returned
          Clinical observations                               to base line values on day 7 postoperatively. No significant

          All the animals were recovered smoothly from anesthesia.   change (p > 0.05) was observed in ceruloplasmin level at
          Return to normal appetite within 8 to 10 hours after recovery   any postoperative days. However, transient mild elevation
          from anesthesia was observed in all animals. Urination and   (p > 0.05) of this protein was observed up to 7th postopera-
          defecation were normal throughout the observation period.   tive day in both the groups.
          No significant change (p > 0.05) in respiration rate, heart rate   hormonal estimation
          and rectal temperature was observed. The values remained
          within the normal limits, without any significant change    The mean ± SE values of cortisol and testosterone are presen-
          (p > 0.05) from base values at any postoperative time inter-  ted in Table 4. A nonsignificant increase (p > 0.05) in
          vals (Table 1).                                     cortisol values was observed immediately after operation in
                                                              group I. However, significant increase (p < 0.01) in cortisol
          hematobiochemical observations                      level was observed immediately after operation in group II.
                                                              On subsequent intervals, the cortisol level reduced and
          Differential leukocyte count of both the groups revealed a   returned to base values on day 7 in both the groups. No
          significant increase (p < 0.05) in neutrophils on 3rd post-  significant change (p > 0.05) in testosterone was observed
          operative day with comparative lymphopenia. No signi-  at different postoperative time intervals in group I. In
          ficant change (p > 0.05) was observed when comparisons   group II, significant decrease (p < 0.01) in testosterone level
          were made between the groups at different time intervals.   was observed immediately after operation and there after
          Significant increase (p < 0.05) in alkaline phosphatase (ALP)   the values showed gradual decrease (p > 0.05) up to 7th
          level was observed on 3rd postoperative day in animals of   postoperative day.
          both the groups. Later on, it reduced and returned to base
          values on day 7 (Table 2). The acid phosphatase (ACP)  DISCUSSIoN
          level showed a significant increase (p < 0.05) on 1st and   The laparoscopic surgical techniques in both human and
          3rd postoperative days (see Table 2).
                                                              veterinary medicine have grown tremendously. Laparoscopy
                                                              has been used to the routine diagnostic and therapeutic
          estimation of oxidative Stress
                                                              methods used especially in small animals. Therefore at
          The mean ± SE values of lipid peroxidation, catalase, super-  present, laparoscopes provide a true panoramatic picture of
          oxide dismutase reduced glutathione, ceruloplasmin are presen-  the observed cavity. In addition to that, they can magnify
          ted in Table 3. There was a mild, transient nonsignificant  to a certain degree, what makes visualization more precise
          increase (p > 0.05) in LPO values after operation up to 3rd  and the picture brighter. For this reason, at using the laparo-
          postoperative day in both the groups and it returned to base  scopic techniques impairment of tissues hardly occurs. Since,

                  Table 1: Mean ± SE value of respiration rate, heart rate and rectal temperature recorded at different time intervals
           Parameters     Groups     Before     Immediately    Day 1        Day 3        Day 5        Day 7
                                    operation  after operation  PO           PO           PO           PO
           Respiration rate   I     24.20 ± 1.28    18.80 ± 0.58    25.40 ± 0.51    24.40 ± 0.75    24.40 ± 0.93    22.60 ± 0.81
           (breaths/min)    II      26.00 ± 0.89    20.60 ± 0.68    24.40 ± 0.93    24.80 ± 1.66     24.60 ± 1.57    22.60 ± 1.03
           Heart rate        I    117.80 ± 5.00  110.60 ± 5.04  116.60 ± 3.23  116.60 ± 4.01  118.20 ± 4.08  115.20 ± 4.27
           (beats/min)      II    115.40 ± 8.78  110.40 ± 7.39  108.40 ± 7.71  109.40 ± 6.37  112.00 ± 6.32  115.60 ± 5.78
           Rectal tempe-     I    101.30 ± 0.25  101.10 ± 0.24  101.10 ± 0.40  101.10 ± 0.19  100.50 ± 0.16  100.60 ± 0.29
           rature (ºF)      II    101.30 ± 0.41  101.20 ± 0.25  101.50 ± 0.35  101.10 ± 0.29  100.90 ± 0.29  101.00 ± 0.16

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