Page 14 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 14

Anburaja Mahalingam et al

                           Table 4: Mean ± SE values of cortisol and testasterone recorded at different time intervals
           Parameters       Groups  Before     Immediately after  Day 1    Day 3       Day 5       Day 7
                                   operation   operation      PO          PO           PO          PO
           Cortisol (nM/l)  I      25.59 ± 17.37  46.85 ± 16.39  31.99 ± 9.29  27.29 ± 16.48  27.88 ± 13.19 27.40 ± 8.45
                            II     46.83 ± 4.99  129.08 ± 23.46 **  59.41 ± 21.03 38.68b ± 12.78  23.55 ± 8.20   25.52 ± 5.36
           Testosterone (ng/ml) I  0.418 ± 0.05  0.321 ± 0.03   0.396 ± 0.08   0.438 ± 0.09   0.369 ± 0.03  0.372 ± 0.04
                            II     0.437 ± 0.08   0.159 ± 0.03    0.101 ± 0.02   0.024 ± 0.00    0.025 ± 0.01   0.015 ± 0.01**
           **Differ significantly (p < 0.01) from base values (before operation)
          of the present study concurred with the observations of   The electrocautery with 60 W monopolar current revea-
          Dharmaceelan et al.  The total utilization of CO  during  led a good hemostatic measure in both groups. Rodgerson
          surgical procedures was recorded. Comparatively, less  et al  found that application of coagulation current from
          utilization of CO  was observed in group I because of less  monoplar electrocautery alone was sufficient for effective
          time taken to perform bilateral vasectomy. This method  hemostasis for equine mesoovarium. However,  before
          was comparatively simple, quick and easier than method of   final withdrawal of telescope in all the animals of lapa-
          group II. In group II, utilization of CO  was significantly  roscopy groups the resected sites were closely observed.
          higher (p < 0.01) than that of group I, may be due to the   The mean surgical operating time was significantly lower
          longer operative time and may also be due to leakage of CO    (p < 0.05) in group I as compared to group II. The decreased
          during removal of resected tissue through 10 mm ports by   surgical operating time in group I was due to the reason
          5 mm forceps.                                       that this technique was simple, quick and easier than other
             The instruments used were differed in both groups. In   two groups. Wildt et al  reported the lower operative time
          group I, all the three ports were of 5 mm in size, two ports   required for bilateral vasectomy in dog. Increased surgical
          were created at left and right paramedian site distally to the   operative time in laparoscopic bilateral vasectomy with
          telescope insertion site and 4 to 6 cm laterally at the inguinal   occlusion spermatic artery-vein plexus (group II) was due to
          regions and the rest one was at umblical site for insertion of   additional time required for application of endoclips. All the
          telescope. In the group II, two ports were 10 mm in size and   animals were returned to their normal feeding habits within
          the rest one was 5 mm for telescopic insertion at the same   8 to 10 hours after surgery. Urination and defecation were
          sites as described in group I. These two 10 mm ports were   normal upto 7th postoperative day. The animals appeared
          needed mainly to insert the 10 mm clip applicator toward   quite alert and responsive. There was no postoperative infec-
          the contralateral spermatic artery-vein plexus and were   tion, emphysema, port-site herniation as well as wound
          converted into 5 mm size by applying adaptor for inserting   dehiscence in any animal.
          fenestered grasping forceps to manipulate the vas deferens
          and testicular vessels for vasectomy as well as for clip appli-
          cation respectively. However, regarding the number of   Clinical observations
          trocars and their respective sites, the present study concurred  No significant difference in physiological parameters, such
          with the findings of Wildt et al.  The urinary bladder was   as heart rate, respiration rate and rectal temperature, was
          visualized first with the introduction of telescope into the   observed at different time intervals. Heart rate, respiration
          abdominal cavity and it was identified by its characteristics   rate and rectal temperature did not change significantly after
          tortuous structures of blood vessels on it.         surgery, so these variables could not be considered useful in
             The 30º forward oblique, 5 mm rigid telescope used in   the recognition of postoperative pain.  In both the groups,
          this study covered sufficiently big exposure operative area   there was a decrease in respiration as well as in heart rate
          in a single view without any remarkable loss of resolution   immediately after operation might be attributed to post-
          and visibility. Most of the clinicians have reported the use   anesthetic effect of xylazine, also reported by Ilback and
          of 5 mm telescope during ovariohysterectomy in dogs. 11,14,15    Stalhandske  in dogs. Luna et al  also reported xylazine
          laparoscopic occlusion of ductus deferens in male dogs   and ketamine combination causes reduction in heart rate and
          and cats  and laparoscopic vasectomy in male dogs.  The   respiration rate in dogs.
          separation of intra-abdominal organs from the ventral as
          well as lateral abdominal walls were adequate at 10 mm Hg   hematobiochemical observations
          pressure gradient intraperitoneally. Also, proper fasting
          prior to surgery emptied colon and urinary bladder  and  A significant increase (p < 0.05) in neutrophils and compara-
          thereby facilitated proper visualization of the vas deferens  tive lymphopenia was observed on 3rd postoperative day
          and spermatic artery-vein plexus.                   may be the result of release of endogenous glucocorticoids
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